Hidden Love (s.b)

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*A/N: Credits go to JulzLovDraco4Eva for requesting this one shot! This was my first requests, and I would love to receive more so please message me with any ideas you have, I'd love to write them for you! Enjoy!*


I had been friends with the Marauders since first year after James, my twin brother, had introduced me to them all, they been great and I couldn't ask for a better group of friends. Of course hanging out with a group of boys meant they'd grow protective of me, but none of them would be as protective as my brother who would threaten a boy for even looking at me- which he had only started to do when Sirius had done the same.

Sirius, where do I start? That boy owns my heart, but I would never confess it to anyone if they asked. But when Lily, my best friend, had noticed that I might have stared at him for a little too long, she had read me as clear as a book and forced me to confess- to which I did and ended up leaving the conversation with a lecture.

"No, Y/N, he's the bad boy of the group. He's a Black, you've heard about them. They're pureblood supremacists, they'd do anything for power." Lily says, grabbing hold of my shoulders.

"But he's nothing like his family, he's rebelled against them, remember?" I say, tilting my head slightly.

"That doesn't matter, what does is your heart. He'd just break it." She tells me, her voice soft as she spoke. "He has a new girl at his hip every week, you'd just be a new girl for the week and he'd just drop you." She says, pulling me in for a hug.

"We could be different, right?" I ask, watching her pull away from the hug to shake her head at me.

"Besides, James wouldn't allow it. He doesn't want your heart to break again, not since-" She paused, not being able to say his name out of disgust.

"Just say his name. 'Corbin'. It doesn't matter now anyways. He was a jerk and I'm over it." I say, shaking my head.

"James hates him and every guy who holds interest for you. He's only doing it because he's protecting you." Lily says, giving me a soft smile. "And if he found out that you liked Sirius or even found out yous two were together, he would murder him." She continues, causing me to sigh and run my fingers through my hair.

"I know, it's why I've been hiding my feelings, Lil." I tell her as she gives me another smile.

"I'm just looking out for you." She says, holding my cheek before giving me a hug.

"It makes sense to why James likes you." I mutter, causing her to pull away.


"Nothing." I say, pulling her back in for a hug.

I enter the Great Hall for dinner, sitting down beside James like usual and trying my best to push my feelings for his best friend aside. I grew used to hiding it by now, but every time I saw his beautiful smile, it did grow harder to not just leap over the table and kiss him. What kept myself level was the fact that boys would stare at me and James would stare back at them, scaring them off, claiming 'they're just like Corbin, they'll break your heart as if it was a twig that means nothing'- but the metaphor would always be something different.

"Where's Padfoot?" Remus questioned, causing me to look up and around to try and spot him.

"No clue, I haven't seen him since class." James confesses, shrugging his shoulders.

"He never misses dinner, it's his favourite time of the day." I say, brushing my hair from my face.

"I have a note for you, Y/N." A boy in a Gryffindor tie says, catching my attention.

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