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"Nadar, can you please calm down?"

"Calm down? He was flirting with you right in front of my eyes, (Y/n)" you sigh.

You and your fiance are having a conversation about how one of the museum guides was talking to you.

Nadar believes that the man was flirting with you, while you are trying to convince him otherwise.

"He has done nothing wrong, you just took it the wrong way, darling" you try to explain slowly to ease his anger.

"He wanted your number, did he not?!"

"And I didn't give him my number"

"Huh, so you admit that he had his eyes on you" you let out a frustrated groan.

Even though Nadar might be the sweetest person in the whole world, yet his jealousy is overbearing sometimes.

"Don't twist my words, Nadar" you warn, causing him to huff.

"You know that I only love you, right?" your features soften when his light brown eyes meet your (e/c) eyes.

"And I love you too, and we shall get married soon once you get your degree in history studies"

A big smile appears on your face, as you place your hands within his warm ones.

The most thing you love about your fiance is how he respects your potential to study history, especially Egyptian history.

"So, tell me, when was the Battle of Kadesh?" You quickly answer.

"1274 BC, it was between Ramses II and Muwatalli II, and it ended with the first peace treaty to ever be made in ancient history" Nadar chuckles.

"That was more than I asked for, but here is another question, how long did Ahmose I reign?"

"Twenty-five years...can you please stop asking those easy questions" He rolls his eyes playfully at you.

"I'm sorry, but I was asking about what we took back in school" you giggle.

"Well, do you want me to tell you all the details about Ramses the second's reign" his lips twitches upwards into a sweet smile

"Of course, after all, you are best at telling historical stories."


After returning home, you have decided to take a shower and have dinner afterward.

Your parents were on a vacation to Sharm El-sheikh, leaving you alone at home.

It wasn't that lonely, however, you feel like you are not alone for some reason.

And that paranoid feeling heightens when the doorbell sound echoes through the house.

you stand up and take steady footsteps towards the door, not opening before looking through the camera surveillance's screen laying on the wall near the door.

Your eyebrows furrow when you see nobody but a package in front of the door.

Unlocking the door, you take the package before shutting it again.

"Who in the world left this? Looks like a fancy package though"

You don't waste a second in tearing it open, already curious about what is inside it.

A golden dagger is what you found inside, along with a note written neatly.

Every time you stab yourself with this dagger, you will be transferred to a different timeline.

Use wisely.

A chuckle escapes your lips after you finish reading the note.

"What is this joke...but the dagger looks expensive"

You stare down at the golden dagger with an amazing look on your face.

If someone was joking with you, why would they give you an expensive dagger?

This doesn't make sense at all.

You get pulled out of your thoughts when the hand you are holding the dagger with, starts moving on its own.

When you try to stop your hand, it only pulls harder.

"What the-"

Before you could even finish, you stab yourself in the stomach deeply.

With that, your vision turns black within seconds.


The loud piercing noises are what woke you up, and oh how you wish didn't wake up.

Because the first thing you see is people frightening, and arrows flying around.

You feel like you are in your history book, looking at a picture that shows the ancient Egyptians fighting their enemies.

But, everything is a living reality in front of your eyes.

'This dagger actually works!'

Gazing left and right, trying to find a safe place to run away from the battle.

Nevertheless, when you stand up, a spear shoots past the left side of your head to hit its target, killing the man instantly.

You gasp in shock and freeze in fear.

"What are you doing? Get out of the way!"

Before you could turn around, you get grabbed by your arm and forced into a chariot.

"Do you wish to die?" you stare at the handsome tall man, his slightly sun-kissed skin and sharp dark eyes made your breath hitch.

His well-built body is another story.


You quickly realize that you can understand the weird language the man is speaking.

Even though you studied the ancient Egyptian language, doesn't mean you can understand it whole.

However, your mind is translating the language fine and fast without any errors.

"Who are you?" you ask with a confused expression.

You are shocked at the fact that you replied fluently back with the same language

"Ahmose the first, son of Seqenenre Tao and the rightful ruler of Egypt"

𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑨𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑨𝒈𝒆𓂀 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 ! 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑬𝒈𝒚𝒑𝒕حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن