We don't owe you androgyny

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Let's talk about Non-binary stereotypes.

When some people imagine Non-binary people, they think of androgynous people wearing more masculine clothes if they are afab and more feminine clothes if they are amab, and yes some people feel comfortable this way, but I feel like we need to bring the other people who don't fit these "standards" to light.

Non-binary doesn't equal androgyny, Non-binary can be literally anything. It's all about feeling comfortable with your own skin. so wear that skirt, or suit, or that crop top; have your hair long or grow out your beard, appear how you want to look!

Clothing doesn't have a gender, so there's no need to gatekeep who can wear what. it's all a matter of self-expression and discovering what feels best to you. experiment with clothes for as long as you like, because life is too short to fit into standards.

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