Chapter 2 - My friend and I get attacked

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Nothing is quite as it seems, you've probably heard that plenty of times. I had always been taught that what things are what they appear to us, but there were always two sides of the story. The fact that last night I went in a terrifyingly creepy room in a tree, said a lot.

After the last day, spending 4 hours reading, forgetting calligraphy class and not getting to bake an apple pie, caused quite a bit of trouble.

In the morning I was woken up yet again by Susan, but this time she was standing in my room hitting me with a pillow. "Nolan," a pillow was whacked in my face, "Ferdinand," I started opening my eyes, "Henris," I woke up in a shock. Not the most pleasant way to wake up.

"How could you do something as stupid as dissapearing for 5 hours and coming back in the middle of the night. Do you know how worried we were for you. If your parents had found out about your disappearance, they would have come searching for you in panic!" she yelled.

"Maybe I should have stayed away a little more so that they actually would come back," I said. Wait, did I say that out loud? Guilt and sorrow built up in the back of my throat.

Susan looked at me with a sad look before she sighed. "Oh Nolan," she said. "You know that your parents care for you, we all do, and we know that you care for us as well." Susan assured me. Just then I noticed Andrew stood by the door. "You better get dressed pretty boy." Andrew joked. I smiled at him and got up to change. Happiness was replaced instead of the terribly depressed thoughts, Andrew always made me smile a genuine smile.

Sometimes I had to progress the fact that although my parents were away a lot, I still had people to care for. I opened my locker and got a few books out. "How are your parents Nolan?" someone sneered behind me. Could this day get even better? I mean, besides the fact that-

"Am I getting an answer or not?" I turned around. Oh my god can't Jason just leave people alone once and for all. "What do you wan't?" I asked. He gave me stare that said "what kind of question is that". "I wan't you to get one of your little petty servants to do my homework." he said and pulled his hair.Brown-blonde hair, white teeth, blue eyes, pulls his hair back all the time, fuckboy aura, yep that's someone whom I could not care less about right now.


"Why not?"

"That's not how it fucking works you moron, now I've got class so you better get ur small ass out of my way before I punch you in the face." I snapped. I walked away and met up with Nick and Andrew.

"My mom is hosting dinner tonight, do you guys wanna come tonight?" Nick asked. Nick was Andrew's friend. He wasn't like my friend or anything, but he knew I and Andrew were friends so he was okay with me. He just made sure that Jason didn't see him with me or he would be pricked on as well, I didn't bother much about that."Sure why not." Andrew said as I nodded in agreement. "Is your brother doing better?" I asked looking at him. "He's actually doing better, he got a new prescription. It should help him slowing down the cystic Fibrosis." Nick smiled, it was obvious he forced it.

Στο τέλος

"Emir! Come! The fishies has come to visit us!" 6 year old Nick yelled exitedly. His older brother at 14 years old came running to him. "How awesome Nick, maybe we could catch one and put it in your aquarium." Emir smiled. The two brothers were very smiliar to each other although they had a 8 year age gap.

"Mommy! Daddy! Look!" Nick shouted. His mother saw him pointing at the pond and got the net and bucket. Their father also came running to them.

They spent the afternoon catching fish and feeding them. This was tradition, every year they would catch a few fish that came for the summer.

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