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The Querinth colonies were invaded, causing people to run away from their homes, lives and family. The forest around the village was slowly dying. A lady with reddish-brown hair held a baby tight to her chest as she ran. Something horrible was attacking them, and she didn't want to stick around to find out what would happen. She had dirt all over her white dress, the belt on her waist made from purple flowers was barely holding together. The baby was clutched tight in the woman's arms,  wrapped in a white cloth, the same material as the lady's dress.

The woman was running as fast as she could, trying to get away from all the chaos.
"Give me the boy!" a conniving voice said, "I know the future! Give me the boy!"

"You killed my people! You have killed thousands of other groups and wiped some out of existence! Why would I trust you?" She paused her speech, slightly out of breath from the running, "It is good that there are still some colonies to keep the magic alive. It is good that you can't get all of us!" she screamed at him.

"If you don't hand me the- AAHH!" the mysterious figure yelped as the sun rose, giving the lady enough time to run away. She took a necklace with a silver flower pendant from her pocket, the other arm grabbing the child tighter, and put it around the baby's neck.
"I may not make it, my boy. If that is the case, you will live with your uncle and your mother. Only they will know your true identity and what your fate is. Just remember that I love you, and I always will. Although the stars shine bright, every time you look up in the sky, even if it's just a glance, they will shine brighter. We will shine for you, my boy."

The lady summoned a horse to carry the boy to his mother, to safety.
"Please, tell your uncle that I died doing what I thought was the right thing," she said, just above a whisper. A small, sad smile made its way onto her face as she wiped some dirt off of the boy's face.

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