Chapter 3 - I have a handsome stalker

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"Who would give their child such a complicated name?" I asked. Alvero looked at me again, I started to get a feeling that he got annoyed by all the questions. "Our last names sort us into what elf group we are from, for example me, a Tarychel elf, or my friend Uktoluziuan Darmzuen Harmenzius, he is from the Hardentycal elves. Our middle names sort us in which family we are from and lastly our names, which is our names."

I looked at him. Elves had such complicated naming, but why did George never tell me this? "What about the rank thing, does that have to say anything inportant?" I asked.

"1 rank - Can put nature gifts into attacks

2 rank - Mastered all the skills

3 rank - starts going on missions after learning all the skills

4 rank - mastered the basics

5 rank - student/beginner/learner" he said,

"the most usual is rank 3 and it is very hard to reach rank 1. Only six in my colony has reached that rank, hopefully I will make it 7."

Suddenly something growled and someone came running to us. Andrew ran to us and breathed heavily when he came running. "NOLAN! THERE'S ANOTHER HORNED BITCH!"

Alvero looked at him confused until he saw the monster. This one looked much bigger than the one at Nick's house and just then, I realized that the sun was down and it was dark.

Andrew ducked under the sharp nails and rolled over a bunch of leaves. "Nolan, get you and your friend to safety, run north!" Alvero yelled and took out two big blades from behind his cape. I didn't know how to react. It felt as if my whole body stiffened. Alvero swung his blade at the monster and as he did that, it two more caped elves jumped down from the trees. Their hoods fell down to reveal their faces, they had white hair and pointed ears and features. One could easily tell they were elves.

One was a girl and the other a guy. On the back of their capes, a number was in silver. I assumed that it was their ranks. Their eyes were just as striking as Alvero's and the girl had a number 1 on her cape. The boy looked quite young compared to the others and had a number 4 on his back, he also has a scar down the side of his neck.

They didn't have the same clothing as Alvero either. They were just as enchanting, but not as "detailed". Well, you could see that Alvero's suit was more expensive of some sort.

"Eranie! Kopper! Try to cut off the horns!" Alvero yelled and swung around a tree. "Alvero! I have a bottle of λιακάδα!" The girl name Eranie yelled. "Don't! You can't waste it on one as small as this one!" Alvero yelled back.

This was a small one? That means that, oh lord, there are bigger ones. This one was maybe a little over 3 meters tall. Alvero tightened his grip around his blade and pierced right down on the horn.

The blade was stuck in the horn that was now flying in the air in one direction, our direction.

"Nolan" Andrew said looking at me. "Run." I said. Andrew took my arm and tried to run, but I couldn't move my feet.

Roots of a black tree had grown around my feet. Maybe that was the reason why I felt so stiff, or maybe the fact that a deadly sharp horn was flying our way was the reason.

"MOVE NOLAN!" I heard Alvero yell.

Then it felt like everything went in slow motion. It happened in a blink of an eye.


Στο τέλος

"What should we do with him?"

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