Chapter 6- Jazzy fish,blue smoke and redheads

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Me and my parents were standing outside putting everything inside the car. I still have no clue how I could talk to Eranie. Maybe I can ask Susan if she could contact her, but I haven't seen her either. I knew that this was very important to both her and Henric.

"What's on your mind Nolan? Forgot to say bye to someone?" Mom asked and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, no. It's nothing- Henric?" I looked surprisingly at the boy running towards me. Mom smirked and nudged my arm. "Nolan!" He was breathing heavily and leaned himself on me. "There," he caught his breath. "There's, an umbrella chasing me," he looked at my parents who were starting at him.

"Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Henris, I have an emergency problem," Henric gave me an alarming look. "Em, I'll just be gone for a bit, be right back-oh"

I think Eranie has taught Henric to drag anyone if he wants someone to follow him urgently, because that is what he was doing right now. "Umbrella?" I asked him. When we stopped, he pointed at something high up.

There was a Daimon Onism, or an umbrella as Henric called it. It was huge, larger than the ones I have encountered. "I can't take it down by myself, it's way too big," Henric said with a shaky voice as it ripped a tree from the ground. "Nature is mad at it, I can feel it, every single tear and pain," Henric shook.

Once it spotted us, it came for us. Henric used wind to try and stumble it back, but it was firmly on the ground. I felt the fear crippling down my spine and I had to come up with a solution.

"It's been chasing me since I left the colonies!" Henric yelled and rolled away from the claw. It tumbled to the ground as Henric kicked it in the head. "What and I supposed to do?!" I yelled.

"About time to figure that out! Maybe this is your awakening on something that might-DUCK!" I immediately ducked and a claw swung over me. "You were the only person nearby and you needed to meet Eranie anyways!" Henric yelled. "How'd you know that?!" I climbed on top of the head.

"The leaves told me! They were worried for you, you now." Henric said and swung besides me. I tried to kick it in the head, which wasn't that useful. The monster grabbed me by the foot and dangled me upside down. "HENRIC! LITTLE HELLO HERE?!" I yelled.

At last, he used air to strangle the beast.

We were heavily breathing on the ground and watched as the body turned into ashes. "I hate this forest sometimes," Henric stated, "even with creatures that die in direct sunlight, the forest chooses to stay dark anyways. I mean, only because half of the plants require the dark to grow, doesn't mean the forest should let half the population die."

"I don't think I have time to tell Eranie, but I'll be back in 4 days. If you need help, call for Andrew, he'll be where you think he is. Please don't die," I said and started running back.

"What was the emergency?" My mom questioned as she probably was confused by my heavy breathing. "Oh, nothing, it was just... a deer stuck in a rope," I quickly lied and they seemed to buy it. My dad was already sitting at the drivers seat and mom sat besides him. I sat down at the back and looked out the window.

Will they be okay? Nothing really bad can happen in 4 days, can it?

Hopefully not.

Στο τέλος

So we arrived in Tahiti, it's nice here. You know, clear blue water, music and dancing happy people singing with each other, fresh coconuts, and did I mention? THIS HEAT IS KILLING ME.

I hate heat. I don't understand people who stay outside in the sun to get tan for hours, at moments like these, I am really happy I'm naturally tan. I can handle the sun okay, but the heat- no thank you. It was at sunset when I started packing out my stuff. I snuck a few books in my backpack and went to the balcony.

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