Chapter 9: Hospital Drive

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Michael jumped in his car, Lily already in the front seat. "Wait! Where's Rae?" He said. He looked in the distance and saw Rae running Godspeed to the hospital. "Wait she's gonna get run over!" She yelled. "OH MY GOD!" He yelled in an annoyed tone and drove after her. *ZOOM TIME* After Rae got in the car, Michael gunned it to the hospital. Much to their dismay, the parking lot was full. "Just get out here!" He said, and stopped the car. The two jumped out, Lily slightly ahead of Rae. By the time they got to the front desk, they were winded. "I'm here to see Thomas *BLEEP*." She said. The nurse nodded and started typing on her computer. "I'm sorry ma'am, he just went into surgery. His friends are there though, you can talk to them. Room 201." She said with a smile. "Thank you." Lily said and grabbed Rae's hand as they walked to the room. When they got there, they saw Toast, Poki, and Scarra siting outside. "Rae!" Poki said and hugged her. "I'm so sorry I left you there, we were in such a rush." Poki said. "How is he?" Rae asked. Poki sighed. "Not good. He uh, he's losing the will to live." She said.

I LOVE CLIFFHANGERS. Anyways— I'm going on vacation and I won't be back until Sunday, so leave your theories on what's gonna happen in the comments! I'm thinking about doing a bit of a bittersweet ending, so get ready! Also following and adding this book to your list helps so much, because it brings this book more readers! Bye for now!

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