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"I think that matter concerns me very much and I don't and I won't marry you because I love my fiance"

You are not going to allow anyone to think that it is ok to force you in doing something you don't wish to do, especially egotistical rulers like Ahmose.

"I'm your pharaoh and it is your duty as my subject to obey me"

Ahmose's voice raises slightly, yet stays calm none less as to not appear frustrated.

"And where is your duty, you are supposed to keep your subject safe and protected" Ahmose narrows his eyes at you.

"Marrying you is keeping you safe" the sun-kissed-skinned man argues.

"No, you are only causing me discomfort, and discomfort means danger not safety"

"Will your discomfort will turn into happiness once you marry me" Ahmose states through gritted teeth.

"I don't care" you reply bluntly.

Ahmose-Nefertari is amused at your strong attitude, loving the way you are standing up to her brother.

Sharp but nice, something that the woman wishes to have in a friend.

"Please calm down both of you!" Ahhotep orders, directing her glare at her son.

"Don't you see how this peasant is talking to me, mother" you huff and roll your eyes.

"If she doesn't wish to marry you, then let her be, brother"

Yup, you already like Ahmose-Nefertari.

"Your wife is right, if (Y/n) does not want you then don't force yourself on her"

His mother's and sister's words didn't convince him enough to not marry you.

"This is final, I shall marry (Y/n) in ten days, so prepare the wedding celebrations, mother"

With that Ahmose takes his leave as you place your hands on your face in distress.

Ahhotep sighs and turns towards you.

"I apologize for his behavior"

Before you could state your gratitude for her efforts, Ahmose- Nefertari cuts in.

"Do you want to see my baby?"


"Woah, that's a chubby baby! I want to eat him up" you say.

You kiss the baby all over his face causing him to gurgle happily.

You truly adore babies....just when they don't cry or scream.

"His name is Amenhotep"

Ahmose-Nefertari smiles at you as you play with her baby son.

"You are going to make a good mother one day" you turn away from the baby to look at the Egyptian queen.

"You think so, I think I will be an irresponsible mother, I can barely take care of myself" you exclaim.

The brunette giggles at you, before linking her arm with yours.

"Don't worry, becoming a mother is like continuing your childhood with your baby, you get to have lots of fun" your face heats up.

The thought of having cute babies with your fiance makes you feel excited.

"Plus, yours and my brother's babies are going to be so cute, and Amenhotep is going to have playmates"

You let out a sigh and shook your head in disapproval.

Didn't she support you on the idea of not marrying her brother a moment ago? What changed?

"No offense, but I would rather stab myself than marry your brother, Ahmose-Nefertari"

The queen pouts at you slightly and tightens her grasp on your arm.

"But I want us to become really good friends, and my brother is good in bed"

𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑨𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑨𝒈𝒆𓂀 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 ! 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑬𝒈𝒚𝒑𝒕Where stories live. Discover now