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"I'm full of problems, love sick"

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"I'm full of problems, love sick"

- tomorrow x together , 0X1=LOVESONG (i know i love you)

yeonjun rushed to get ready, trying to reach the campus in time for his first class. he overslept since he was finishing his work that he's been procrastinating for the last few days, the night before. he scrambled to get his stuff for class, shoving his books and notebooks into his bag, accidentally knocking his calendar off the desk.

he tried his best to tidy his bed as quickly as possible, which failed. he ran out the front door and to his car so he could reach the campus on time. he sped to the campus, using the shortcuts to get there faster, almost beating a red light in the process. yeonjun finally arrived at the parking lot, grabbing his things and exiting his car, locking the vehicle before dashing to his class.

when he arrived at the classroom, he noticed that his classmates were still talking with one another and the professor wasn't in the room. he sighed in relief when he realized that he was not late for class, adrenaline still pumping through his body since he ran from the parking lot.

he walked to his regular seat at the back of the room, letting his bag lay on the floor as he slumped into his seat. he didn't pay attention to the girl that sat in the seat next to him, thinking that it was just a random girl in his class that needed a seat. he was minding his own business, pulling out his books and pens, until he felt a flick on the side of his head.

he turned his head to the culprit of the flick, wanting to stare them down until they cower in defeat, when he realized that the girl sitting next to him was already staring him down. it was nabi. nabi was staring at him in disappointment since he barely made it to class, almost running late after she just told him the day before that he needs to be in class early.

"yeonjun. i swear. i just told you to be early to class and you do this. you barely made it to class." she nagged, making exaggerated hand gestures to accentuate her rant. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry. you didn't have to flick me though." yeonjun complained, finding the flick to be unnecessary. "well, i'm sorry, princess." nabi sarcastically said while chuckling.

"hey, you wanna hang out later?" nabi asked, having nothing to do after class since her classes ended at noon. "sure, my classes end early anyway." yeonjun agreed, his class schedule being similar to hers.

nabi kept talking to yeonjun who just listened to her, his head resting on his palm as he paid attention to his best friend. nabi was fine with yeonjun not saying anything, she found it normal for him to just listen as she talked about almost everything and anything.

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