What Is Love?

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"So, you love him?"

"Yes, Taehyung, how many times do I have to say it? I. LOVE. JIMIN."

"Would you die for him?"


"Would you Jungkook?"

"Well...that's different."


----Taehyung's Prov ----------------

"Stay with me." Something flipped when I heard those words, but tried to ignore it.

I gave a mischievous smile, "Aww, are your boyfriend instincts starting up again?"

Jungkook gave the most hopeless reply, "No, we got here too early. So, stay."

I sighed at the reply...what was I expecting from this stotic jerk.

"Fine." I replied and sat down on the grass. There was a beautiful lawn in the front of University's front gate, which we are currently seated at. I looked around and saw that there were very few students, almost completely empty.

Jungkook sat next to me leaning back with the support of his arms. I stared at his side profile for a bit and spoke, "So...what do you want to be when you grow up?"

I saw Jungkook gave me a raised brow but nevertheless he answered. "I don't know...I want to became a successful businessman, like my father."

I gave a nod, "I think I will be a doctor...If I get that far."

Jungkook looked at me with confusion "If you get that far?" he asked me.

I quickly covered my slip, "I mean, if I can stand being a doctor." I shrugged at my words and smiled at the ravenette to make it not look suspicious.

"Do you ever smile, Jungkook?"

He rolled his eyes and hmmed.

I sighed and murmured, "Guess not". I saw him smirk and asked me a question, "Do you play any sports?"

I shook my head, "I am good at sports, but I don't like to join clubs."

Jungkook just smirked again, "I thought so..."

I glared back at him, "Well..." I was thinking what should I ask next, "I know this is a kind of a personal question...but what is love like?"

I looked into the onyx eyes, searching for an honest answer to my question.

I saw him slipping his hand through the raven stands and looked back at me, "Love...it is like a drug. It is like you are addicted to it, and you become completely oblivious to things..."

----Third Person's Prov --------------------

"Love...it is like a drug. It is like you are addicted to it, and you become completely oblivious to things..."

Taehyung nodded when the ravenette had explained what is Love like and laughed lightly. "A drug, eh?" the blue haired male smiled again and sarcastically said, "So, is it bad for you?"

Jungkook shook his head, "It is a really good feeling...but it can be bad if you are not aware of what you are doing..." the ravenette stared at the sky.

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