Chapter 5

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Alright... I'll do it.

This wasn't just about them anymore... Now it's personal.

"I'll murder you if you bring up my past." You growled. "Now shut up."

  "No need to be so rude!" Break joked. He doesn't look like he intends to lose his smile... "I would just like to know a little more about your past! I promise I won't tell anyone, if you don't want me to. I'll even let you escape this place if you tell me!" Dang it, Break!

  "I'm not sure..." You muttered. "Those aren't just memories... They're painful memories. I just don't like to remember them..."

"But that's why they're memories!" Break pointed out. You sighed.

  "If I tell you, then you have to swear that you're not telling anyone! Ever!" He nodded enthusiastically. You sighed again. "Alright... So, it was a normal day at my house, with my mom, my dad... and my little sister, too. I didn't expect anything to happen...


  "(y/n), time for dinner!" Your mother called. You ran towards the dining room, seeing your mother and your father.  If only Hannah were here... You sat and began to eat with your parents. It wasn't long before a voice spoke in your head.

Feed me... Feed me...!

Wait, you told it. I'm almost done eating.

I'm hungry... Feed me now!

Not yet, you repeated. Just wait!

  I'm going to eat! Your eyes widened as you realized your Chain summoned itself. Your parents were of course terrified. Before you could do anything, your Chain, Checkmate, began to devour them You shouted for it to stop, but your attempts were futile. He stopped once he was done. Both of your parents were dead, and crimson blood stained the floor. You immediately ran into the kitchen, grabbing the closest knife.

  "I'll end you!" You yelled, stabbing yourself. Soon, everything turned black... Then you awoke somewhere else. The floor was made of red and black tiles, and you saw a shelf of dolls. Some of them looked grotesque, yet some of them looked normal. Well, somewhat normal. You were surprised you were alive, but then you questioned if you were alive at all. Who's to say you're not dead? You slowly sat up and looked around. Your wounds were still there, but they didn't hurt. You soon saw a white haired girl looking at you. She smiled.

"Oh, look, I managed to drag you in here!" She cheered. Uncomfortably, you stood up.

"Um," You began. "Who are you?"

  "Alyss!" She replied. "You're in the heart of Abyss!" Your eyes widened. You had heard of that place in stories. Actually being in Abyss... Was slightly terrifying. "Don't worry, I promise I won't kill you!"

"Th-Then why am I here?" You asked. Checkmate soon appeared at your side.

  "Ah, Checkmate," Alyss greeted, walking towards him. She placed a hand on his sword, which had a giant black king for the hilt. She giggled.

  "So, your name's (y/n), eh?" She asked. "You had a nice family... Then your sister died, and then later, Checkmate killed your parents in front of your eyes!" You growled and clenched your fists. "Hey, you know, I can help you!" You looked at her confusedly. "Watch..." She glared up at Checkmate. "I believe your in Checkmate, now..." Suddenly, your Chain moaned and exploded. Small drops of black blood rained, and at least one dripped onto your face. "OK, so you want to go home, right? To your world?" You slowly nodded. "Then promise me some things..." She explained the four promises, and you agreed to them all. She sent you back to the real world, and you woke up on another tiled floor... You were curled up, and at first, it was silent. Then you heard footsteps... Slow, steady, and echoing. They neared you, and you struggled to open your eyes. Faintly, you saw someone with blazing red hair. When you focused, he was kneeling beside you, checking to see if you were alive. You swatted him away, standing up. He towered over you.

"Who... Who are you...?" You asked wearily.

  "Duke Barma," He replied. "And you are?" You paused. Giving your name out wasn't an option anymore. Now that you were in the future, you didn't know what was safe anymore. "Fine, don't say anything. I would just like to know why you came out of my Door to Abyss." You looked behind yourself to see a giant menacing door. You looked back at Barma.

"I just did." You replied. "I signed a contract. Nothing big." Barma rolled his eyes.

  "I might as well get you out of here," He said. "You're simply just a hollow shell." You followed the man out of the giant room, which ended up leading to an even bigger mansion. Then, you were outside. "Since you obviously came from the past," He pointed out. "You shouldn't have a home any longer. Enjoy being alone, you brat."  He walked back inside, and you followed the path, having no idea where you were going...

OH JEEZ GUYS!!! I'm sorry!!!! It took me too long! ACK! I hate myself right now... -_-' Go ahead, kill me. I don't care if you do. I have put this off for TOO LONG!!! I had a lot of school work, and~NO, no excuses! Just hate all you want, alright? I kind of deserve it... PLEASE STICK WITH ME!!! Love ya ^_^

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