Chapter 6

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In a flashback, remember?!

  It soon began to rain. As you walked down the muddy path, your tough emotions vanished, and your real emotions made their way to the surface. You began to think about your parents, once again. Right in front of your eyes, they died... No! You... You still needed them! You weren't ready to be left alone! You immediately ran blindly down the path, warm tears falling down your cheeks.  You were running to literally anywhere. Anywhere but that place. Just run... Don't stop. They can't be... They can't be... Can they? Your legs began to ache, and you fell to your knees in exhaustion. You looked at the ground, weeping quietly.

"Th-They can't be ..." She choked through tears. "Th-They're not... Th-They're not...!"

  "But they are." A voice pointed out. You looked up to see a man in a dark red cloak. "They were killed by a monster called a Chain." You're eyes widened slightly.

  "They... Can't be..." You murmured, shaking your head lightly. "It's not true. It's not true, it's not true, it's not true! You're lying!" You were now violently shaking your head, hands clasping to your hair.

  "Accept what has happened," The man said. "So you can grasp reality." You stared at the ground, slightly bewildered. Now that you think about it... A lot of people die. In a way, it's just... Natural. Dying is a part of life, and you can't exactly change that. "Now, how about you and I have a chat?" You looked up at the man, slightly confused. He showed you a carriage that wasn't too far away. "If you come with me, I will clear your troubles." You slowly nodded, and he helped you stand up. He opened the door for you, and when you stepped inside, you saw three others. A pink haired woman with pink eyes, a man with a hood over his face, and then a kinder-looking man who was smiling in a friendly way.

  "So, you're the one Master Glen picked out?" The woman asked. "Hm. Wonder why." She sat back in her seat,  crossing her arms.

  "What she means to say is," The kind man corrected. "She's Ms. Lottie, I'm Fang, and that's Dug. We're the Baskervilles, and our master has picked you for a special role to play in our clan." Shyly, you sat down, as far away as possible from the others.

  "Don't be so shy!" Lottie teased. "Come on, you're going to practically be one of us after Glen lets you help us!"

"W-What exactly will I be doing?" You inquired.

"We don't know yet." Fang pointed out. Lottie scooted slightly closer to you.

"So, in the meantime, we should get to know you!" She added. You yawned.

"To be honest, I'm just tired right now..." You murmured. Fang nodded.

  "You should probably get some rest, then." He pointed out. "It must have been tiring for you to run so long in the rain." Then, Dug pulled something out of his cloak. It was a grey cloak.

  "Master Glen wanted to give this to you." He explained. You took the cloak and tried it on. Felt pretty good! A little big, but not too shabby. You yawned again, resting against the wall of the carriage. Then, Lottie wrapped her arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to her.

  "Come on, the wall's cold!" She pointed out with a smile. "Why don't you get a little closer to Big Sis, eh?" You were going to question it, but considering all the crazy stuff that's happened... You didn't really care. You fell asleep, having peaceful dreams... I can't believe you accepted your family's death so quickly. Or did you...?  You fell asleep, having peaceful dreams... But then you seemed to wake up quickly. Lottie was nudging you awake.

  "Hey, kid, wake up!" She said. "We're there!" Your eyes slowly opened, and it wasn't raining anymore. Fang and Dug were just now getting out of the carriage. You followed them, still half asleep. You soon ended up in an old and abandoned mansion. You soon saw that man again, and the other Baskervilles stood with you.

"What is your name?" Glen inquired.

"(y/n)." You replied.

  "I have personally chosen you to serve as the Baskerville's assassin." He explained. "While we search for something, you'll be getting rid of obstacles for us, and in return we won't harm you in any way." You looked down at the floor. Could you really bring yourself up to killing people? Hmm, assassin, assassin? No... Not that... That's a terrible idea... But your only one. You looked back up at Glen.

"I'll accept." You agreed.

  "Oh, goody!" Lottie cheered. "We would have had to kill you otherwise!" *anime sweat drop behind your head XD*

  "Lottie," Her master said. "You and the other Baskervilles go. I have a little more I want to discuss with (y/n)..." Lottie nodded and left with Fang and Dug. You stood, your gaze not leaving Glen's face.

"There's something about you..." You began. "That tells me you're dangerous." Glen chuckled.

"You think correctly." He pointed out.

"Who... Who are you?" You asked.

  "Glen Baskerville." He clarified. "Who killed your family." Your heart broke. He did it... He did it... He killed your parents. He killed them. He took their lives, your happiness... And now he's helping you. Why? So he can kill you later? What's his motive? Emotions swelled up inside of you, as well as questions. "Will you be the Baskerville assassin?" Glen inquired. You stood in deep thought. Then, after a moment, you replied... Dramatic pause...!

  "Alright... I'll do it." You said. Glen nodded. From that day forward, you trained and did stuff for the Baskervilles. Good career choice!

  Look, look, another chapter is posted! I'm glad I have spring break... I wouldn't get anything done without it! See ya next time, everyone!   :3

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