Chapter 8: Run

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  Screw it, run! These people are insane! You dashed for the front door of the mansion, trying to stay out of sight.

  Wow, you're seriously going through with this? You're going to throw away everything just so you can get away from them? You already told Break your life story, why run now?! I thought you were actually starting to get along with them! Sigh, but, if this is really what you want to do... Fine. Throw away your possibilities. Go back to a life of crime! I don't care.

  You burst through the front door, running down the path. If you're wondering where you're going, then you'll have to find out when you get there. I mean, you should know, right? You sprinted as fast as you could, but it still took you two days to reach it. Eventually, you saw it—the Baskerville Mansion. If you headed back there, you could at least tell them what you learned. But hang on a minute... You might get killed since you don't have the Chain. Hmm, perhaps you should go back and get it? Probably... Let's go! You began to run back, which also resulted in two days. When the Rainsworth Mansion was in view, you devised a plan... Just like the first time! You smashed through a window and ran around for the Chain. Well, this is going swell, isn't it? You ran past Sharon once again.

  "Heyo!" You said, still running. No one probably knows you're looking for the Chain again... I guess it'll come to them as a surprise, eh?! You're fully armed and ready to go, so they'll really be surprised! You soon saw the Chain, but she was also with Gilbert and Oz. You smirked. Who cares? "Hey, Chain!" You sang. "Put your hands in the air and let's get moving!"

"Eh?!" Oz asked.

"I'll kill you!" Alice yelled.

"I thought you were being rehabilitated!" Oz pointed out.

  "I was," You began. "But come on! That got boring! I'm going back to my mission, so I'm after the Chain!" Gilbert aimed his gun at you. "Oh, come on!" You joked, pulling out your own gun from your belt. You and Gil were in a standoff...

  "My, I thought this was actually going to work." A voice intruded. "Too bad you decided to go and throw yourself into death row." You grabbed a dagger from your boot and pointed it at the one who spoke, Xerxes Break. "What made you betray us, eh?"

"I just decided to go back to my original mission." You replied. "So, give me the Chain."

  "I'm afraid not," Break said. "I think we better stop you here and now. Gilbert, do you mind?" You pulled your trigger first, but when you looked, you didn't see him there. Then, a sharp pain shot through your stomach. You looked, and there was Break's sword. He removed it, and you dropped everything, falling to the floor. "What a shame, (y/n)-chan... You could have been a wonderful Pandora Agent!"

"See ya later, you fool!" Alice laughed.

"It's kind of hard to watch this..." Oz pointed out.

  "I say we get her out of here before she starts to smell." Gilbert muttered. Then, the voices started to blur as the pain grew. And then, it was just darkness...

See what happens? See what happens when you throw everything you've worked on away? You DIED! You didn't even have that great a life! You know what, I'm going to say this to you: Read the other one. See what you could've had. Just see it. You'll wish you had stayed. Well, goodbye (y/n)! Hope you like being dead!

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