Chapter 2

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  Heyo, everyone! Hope you enjoyed Chapter 1, cause here's Chapter 2! Thanks for reading this, by the way. Out of all the fanfictions you picked, you pick mine to read? It's quite bizzare, if you ask me!


Just run... Don't stop... They can't be... They can't be... Can they?

  You nervously watched as he opened the folder, and displayed what was hidden inside. What exactly does Pandora know about you...? Apparently, they know a lot. They had photographs of when you were but a mere child, and then there were pictures of... Something else, that brought horror to your mind.

  "So, (f/n)... Or should I call you (y/n), daughter of Zacharius and Mary?" Break asked sarcastically. You growled. "Care to explain why Pandora has a file just based off of you?"

"Aren't you supposed to be the one to know that?" You asked in an irritated tone.

"Answer the quesion." The Pandora member barked.

  "I'm not answering any questions." You said. "My past is dead, and I'm not the girl in those photos anymore." Break chuckled.

  "Let me guess..." He began. "You changed into this lifestyle after your parents died, right?" You balled your hands into fists. "Ah, I see the entire story in your eyes... Your parents loved you, didn't they? Then one day, out on a mission, they came across a 'casualty'. That's when they died, right?"

"Shut up..." You growled.

  "When you learned your parents were dead," Break continued. "You couldn't handle it. You ran away confused and scared, and then you turned to this for a life. Tell me, is this why you've been so enthusiastic?" You said nothing in reply. "Well, what should we do with her?" Break asked the staff member.

"I say we execute her. (f/n) has done some serious crimes to the Four Houses." He replied.

  "Or perhaps you can allow me to handle things from here." A voice intruded. You looked to see the one, the only...

"Nightray Rat..." Break muttered. Vincent laughed.

"Don't be so rude." He teased. "So, this is her, right? (f/n)?"

  "Indeed." The staff member replied. "What do you suggest we do with her, Lord Nightray?" Vincent kneeled in front of you and stared at your pathetic face.

"I say we give her a second chance." He replied finally.

"B-But what about all the acts she's commited?!" The Pandora member asked.

  "Those can be set aside..." Vincent began. "For now. But, just so she won't cause anymore trouble, how about we try and change her?"

"Change her?" Break asked.

  "If she spends enough time around the right people, she'll change, right?" Vincent suggested. "For instance, she could stay with me, Duke Barma, or even the Baskervilles. Of course, they'd probably just kill her..."

"I'm fine with that." Break said. You growled and muttered curses under your breath.

  "But, I have a better idea..." Vincent opposed. "We have two successful options: either send her to the Rainsworth Mansion, or let me keep her."

"The last thing we need is another rat..." Break growled. "Why not the Vessalius House?"

  "With Oz's Chain running around, this little girl just might get the wrong influence." Vincent explained. "She'll become even more rambunctious then she is now."

  "I dare refuse to be sent to the Rainsworth Mansion!" You opposed. "Who's going to keep me in, anyway?!"

"I believe I already have a volunteer..." Vincent replied slyly, glaring at Break.


  Later, after they let you out of the interrigation room, Break led you out of Pandora Headquarters. Your plan was to split as soon as you were outside, and hopefully lose him in the forest. Then, you could move somewhere, change you fake name, and start a new hunter life!

  "Don't even think about running." Break ordered as you neared the front door. "I'll find you, for sure." You humphed and opened the doors. As you planned, you tried to run. What didn't go according to plan was when Break grabbed you by the collar. "Not so fast!" He sang. After throwing you in the carriage, you sat through the ever-so-long ride to the Rainsworth Mansion. The carriage driver pulled up to the giant mansion, which you recognized, of course. Break dragged you out of the carriage and into the mansion.

"Why'd you even agree to this...?" You asked with a mutter.

  "I didn't." He replied. "I was forced to serve as the volunteer." He shut the front door. "Oh, My Lady, we're home!" You saw Sharon turn a corner and approach you and Break. "I hope you don't mind that I brought someone along." He said sarcastically.

"No, I don't mind." Sharon replied with a nod. "I'm just curious why you decided to bring her here."

"Supposedly," Break began. "It's our job to rehabilitate her, by Lord Vincent's word."

  "Alright then." Sharon agreed. She faced you. "Welcome to the Rainsworth Manor. You may call me Sharon, and I assume you know Break?"

  "I know him alright..." You growled. Later, Sharon had told Break to show you around. How unpleasant, being forced to live here... And there's no hope for escape because you're being watched 24/7.

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