Chapter 3

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And welcome back! Chapter 3, here we go, reader! On your mark... Get set... GO!


No... Not that... That's a terrible idea... But your only one.

  How unpleasant, being forced to live here... And there's no hope for escape because you're being watched 24/7. Apparently, Break nor Sharon trust you enough to let you go unguarded. Everytime you would go out for a 'walk' in the garden, you'd 'accidentally' run into Sharon, who would walk with you. This lifestyle got annoying, fast. You wanted to leave, but no matter how hard you tried, it all was for nothing. It wasn't until that day when Oz showed up to visit that everything changed... You were walking by the living room with Sharon when you heard voices.

  "I just decided to visit!" A boy's voice said. "It's been a while, you know." You and Sharon looked inside, and you saw a blond-haired boy sitting in a chair with green emerald eyes. They seemed filled with excitement and a fun attitude. Then, there was a girl sitting next to him with dark brown hair. Her eyes were purple and filled with hatred for Xerxes. Then, there was a black-haired man sitting in another chair, arms and legs crossed. He doesn't seem like he wants to be here... He wore a wide-brimmed black hat, and he looked like he was trying to hide his face. Before you could walk off, Sharon grabbed your wrist and dragged you into the living room. What was it about these people that was so familiar? Hmm, it was on the tip of your tongue...

"Master Oz!" Sharon greeted. Oh, right. Oz. Who's that man again? That girl looks familiar, too.

"Sharon!" Oz replied. Then he noticed you. "Who's that?"

  "This is (y/n), and she's just staying with the Rainsworths for a little while." She explained. "So, how have you been?"

"Fine." Oz answered. "So, how long has (y/n) been here?"

  "It's been a while." Sharon replied. "Just a few months, now." Then, out of nowhere, Oz pulled out a rose and smiled at you.

  "She's quite pretty!" He commented. "I bet we could have lots of fun together!" You eyebrow twitched.

"Fun, eh?" You asked. Oz suddenly grew flustered.

"W-Wait, I didn't mean it like that!" He explained. You rolled your eyes.

  "Whatever." You said. "You're lucky there are people around. Otherwise, you'd be dead." The black-haired man stood and aimed a gun at you. "Well, looks like someone has anger issues." You pointed out.

"I'm protecting my master, Oz!" The man growled.

"Sharon, who is he?" You asked.

"That's Gilbert." Sharon replied. "And that young lady is Alice!" You nodded.

  "Alright. Good to meet you guys, I guess." You said. "I'm (y/n), in case you didn't hear the first time. I was actually (f/n) before, you know!" You added that last part just to see how that 'Gilbert' guy would react. Well, all he did was continue aiming his gun at you. It looked like he was about to pull the trigger, though, so that was something. Oz was surprised while Alice looked clueless.

  "Now, now!" Break calmed everyone down. "It's our job to rehabilitate her, and My Lady's enjoying it! And Gil, if you pull that trigger, you're going to tell Pandora that you shot her." Gilbert growled and put away his gun. You couldn't help but slightly snicker. "Anyway, (y/n) and I have something important to talk about, so I'll be seeing all of you later!" Break grabbed your wrist and left, dragging you somewhere.

"And where exactly are you taking me?" You asked. "And what are we talking about?"

"You'll find out!" Break sang. He opened a door, and once inside you see it's a bedroom.

"Oh, you dirty ape..." You growled.

"Eh?" Break asked. "Oh, no, you've got the wrong idea!"

"Do I, now?" You inquired. "Well, what idea am I supposed to get at, here?"

  "I simply figured that if I used my own form of interrigation..." He began. "You would tell me everything I want to know. " He pinned you against a wall.

"Yeah, I think I'm still stuck with that first idea." You said. Break chuckled.

  "What you're getting is much worse, don't you worry..." He assured you. "So, tell me, how much time did you spend with them? The Baskervilles?" Your eyes widened as you realized what he was getting at. "You also spent some time with Duke Barma, right?" You growled. "Oh, and we can't forget about where it all started..." Images of that horrible day flashed through your head. Blood... So much blood... What had you done...? This wasn't just about them anymore... Now it's personal.

OMG I'm sooo sorry it took so long to post this! It wasn't writer's block, but instead it was the fact that I put other things in my way. Please, blame me all you want. I dedicate this to Sheiba because, after reading the comments, I felt proud to be a writer. So, thanks so much, Sheiba! I hope you're still sticking around with me!

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