Chapter 7

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OK, so last time, we finished your flashback. Now what's going to happen?

  "Hmm, I see," Break murmured. "So you became an assassin for the Baskervilles?" You nodded.

"I killed anyone they wanted." You replied. "Or I captured anyone."

"So they told you they wanted Oz's Chain?" Break asked.

"Yeah." You said.

  "Do you know why?" You shook your head. "My, you just do these 'quests' without knowing why? That seems like quite the risk."

"I didn't care." You replied.

  "Why exactly did you agree with them?" Break inquired. "I mean, if Glen Baskerville killed your parents, why did you join them?" You gave no reply. Instead, you looked down at the floor blankly. "Eh? What, don't tell me you don't know." You grinned and looked up at him.

"Well, what if I don't?" You asked.

  "Then I would simply call you an idiot." Break replied. "Joining the Baskervilles without knowing why is something only a simpleton would do."

  "I think you know very well I'm not a simpleton." You muttered. "I joined the Baskervilles... Because I lost hope in myself. I realized I was alone in the world, so... I just accepted the fact that my parents died by that man and decided that if I don't want to end up like them, I had to join him. I didn't do it for anyone. I did it for my own purposes." There was a short pause.

  "Well, I believe you've told me enough." Break said finally. "If you wish, I repeat any information to anyone." You nodded.

  "Thanks, Break." You replied. "I would appreciate that." You walked out of the room and headed towards your own. Hmm, what to do? Well, let's see, you spilled your life story to a crazy, red-eyed albino, you're still stuck with him and a fan-wielding maniac. You sighed as you opened your door and shut it behind you. You plopped onto your bed, staring at the ceiling. What to do, what to do...? You jumped on the bed for a time, and then you stared out your window, looking at the trees, birds, squirrels... You were dragged out of your 'nature watching' by a knock at the door. "Come in." You said. The one who opened your door was the fan-wielding maniac, Sharon.

"(y/n)?" She asked. "Dinner is about to be served." You nodded.

  "I'll be right there." You replied. Sharon smiled and shut the door, leaving you. You took one last look out the window, and then you left. When you looked around, you didn't see anyone. Now's your chance! You can escape! But wait... did you really want to? The choice is yours to make... What do you choose?

Hey, didya like it? It's not over yet, just you wait! You still have to make a choice, remember? I wonder what you'll choose... Will you go to the dining room to have dinner, or are you going to take this chance to escape?! ONLY YOU KNOW!!!

(Please forgive me, I didn't mean to make this so short... -_-' )

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