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I ran upstairs crying,I'm not going back down there tonight,I just wanna be alone.I laid face down on my bed when suddenly I heard a knock on the door.

"Go away mom!"

"Um,it's Shawn.Your mom told me to come see you,see if everything's okay,y-you don't have to open the door if you want,w-we can talk like this or we don't have to talk at all I can just leave,if-if you want of course I'm not just gonna leave without a rea-"

Before he could finish his sentence,I opened my door and he fell to the ground,I guess he was leaning on it.He got up and dusted himself off before walking towards my bed and sitting down.

"Who was that boy/man..-thing?"he asked letting out a-may I add-hot chuckle.

"That was my abusive and crazy-ass EX-boyfriend apparently" I say sitting right next to him on my bed.

"Why would you stay with someone like THAT if he was abusive?"

"The same reason everybody stays in an abusive relationship,because of fear" I say as I lay my head on Shawn's shoulder."Does this bother you?"i ask staring into his eyes.

He looked down at me,smiled and replied."Nah,it's kinda cute actually"


"Hahaha shut up I was not!"

"Oh yes you were!"

"No I wasn't,it was just a harmless mistake"

"Haha yeah,a mistake that got 5 people to the hospital"

So,Shawn decided to stay in my room a couple minutes,which soon turned to a couple hours.Oops.Honest mistake.Time flies ok!Its not like his mom called him like 5 million times and i asked if he could stay an extra 5 minutes cause that would make me look like a little bitch,which i am not.Pfft.Anyway,we started talking about some of our embarrassing moments/stories and Shawn was telling me about the time he was forced to make cookies for one of his mom's company parties and he was crazy sick,so while making the cookies he kinda sneezed and coughed repeatedly on them and got some people very very sick.So funny.What an idiot.



Shawn got of the bed and smiled at me.

"This was nice,i hope we can do this again sometime"

I nodded at him and smiled as he left the room.A couple minutes later,i realised i didn't give him my number and so i ran downstairs.

''MOM,MOM,MOM,did they leave yet?''

"Yes,but don't worry i gave him your cellphone number,i can see how much you like him.And after that break up,you are such a slut!You just jumped back on that horse now didn't you!?" she said  in a high pitch voice while approaching me with the stupidest smile.

"Please stop.Please.Mom.Please just stop."

"Alright,but i'm watching you.And if you ever have to talk about your body and your hormo-"

"Dad,please stop her!"

"Sorry son,but i'm loving this"He said while taking a sip of his ice tea.


 - 2 days later


What to do during your summer vacation .You know those kids who've got everything planned out for what they're going to do on summer vacation?Well i'm not one of them.I've literally spent all my summer's dreaming abou the perfect boy,eating food and watching Netflix.I should be exited but i really i still want to go to school,honestly.I was walking down my street when i heard footsteps behind me.I looked around but noone was there so i just put my headphones on and kept on walking.After a few steps,i felt someone tackle me,so my reflex was to flip them.

"Fucking hell!"

Omg,i just flipped Shawn.

"Omg!Shawn are you ok,i thought you were a stranger,give me your hand i'll help you up."

He groaned and got up commenting on my previous action.

"My,my.You know,for a scrawny little guy you sure are good at flipping people"

I gasped as his rude comment and punched his arm."I am not scrawny Shawn Raul Peter Mendes!"

He gasped at the mention of his name and started at me devilishly."Who told?!"

"Your mom,i said while a giggling,my mom asked me to bring you guys a pie and your mom was there and she lives sharing little baby Shawn secrets"

"What did she say!?"

"Uh,nothing..poop eater"i laughed and he got mad.

"I was 4 and i saw a tv kid's show an-and someone was eating their pop and saying it was chocolate,so i thought i was pooping chocolate.It didn't affect my breath though,smell!"He opened his mouth and started breathing heavily into my face.It smelt like,rainbows ,caramel,happiness.He just keeps on getting better and better.

"Ok,i believe you,just stop it,it's getting weird"

Shawn invited me over to his place and we spent the evening talking about the stuff his mom said about him,it was hilarious.At one point he went and yell at her for a couple seconds but,you know,she was just being a mom.Although i was having fun with him,one thing kept bugging me,Harry.What the hell did he mean when he said those things?Is he really going to try to kill me?I'm so scared of what might happen.

-Taylor,you alright?You look kinda pale.

-Huh,uh yeah,j-just a little light headed.I-i think i'll just head on home.

-You want me to bring you or?

-Its fine Shawn,see you around

I was walking down my street when i heard a noise in the alley next to me.

-Shawn i told you not to come?

-Who's Shawn Tay?


-W-what do you want Harry?

-I'm pretty sure i asked you a question first answer mine then maybe i'll answer yours.

-N-no one,h-he's no one

Harry came closer and closer to me and looked like he was going to throw punches.

-Are you sure he's no one or are you just being a little bitchy faggot?As always..

-Don't call me that you fat cunt!?!

What the hell did i just do?!

Abused ||Shaylor||Where stories live. Discover now