the girl in the hospital gown

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authors note-
just wanted to clear up any timeline confusions before the story begins!
- the events of civil war, endgame and infinity war do not take place, so all of the avengers are alive and at the facility.
- it's set a year after age of ultron
- i know wanda is said to be 16 in age of ultron but i'm ageing her up to 19 :)
- if there are any more holes in the timeline plz try and ignore them i apologise!
enjoy!! i'm not the greatest writer but i've always wanted to try a marvel fanfic <3

'Let me put you on hold.'
'Stark you better no-'
Tony Stark is looking a little more stressed than usual, rubbing his forehead angrily as he swivels in his chair to face Nat.
'This guy is taking shit Nat, can you get him to please get off my back.'
'What is he saying that's making you throw such a tantrum?' she smirks, 'You look like your about start blowing steam, is everything okay?'
'Look at this.' he points to his computer, 'You see this footage?'

The cctv camera shows a girl that looks to be in her teens, wearing a hospital gown, confronting a group of men. They pull out guns and start to shoot at her but the bullets deflect back onto them and they collapse to the ground. She looks up to the camera, flips the bird, and the footage goes black.

'He's telling me that she was one of the test subjects that was exposed to the mind stone, but there's only ever been two survivors of the exposure. There's no trace anywhere of her existing.'
'Don't rule out the possibility Tony' Nat says as she replays the video. 'Get Wanda in here, she might know something.'

• • • • •

'Never seen her.' Wanda puts her head in her hands as she attempts to remember any memories of her time at the HYDRA facility.
'It's been a year since I left, even more since I got enhanced. She would of only been a small kid Tony. Not even full grown adults survived the stone, let alone a child.'
'Well it doesn't matter now, we just need to get her in here, God knows what damage she could cause if we don't find her.'

Tony gets a few members of the team together to discuss a plan. Nat and Wanda already ready to go find her, Steve gets in the shower and promises to catch them up.
'I don't know why we need three of us, she's a kid. Probably a scared one at that.' Nat says as her and Wanda leave the compound.
'Did you see her on that video? She's not scared. She could probably take you down if she wanted to.' Wanda laughs.
'Me? How dare you!' Nat laughs, acting offended. 'Fair enough though, we don't know the level of her abilities just yet.'

After being sent over more information, they receive intel that the girl has been spotted not too far away.
'A grocery store 700th 5th avenue.'
'That makes it easier for us I guess.' Nat shrugs as they start to run in the direction of the store.
Just as they are about to reach the store, Steve catches up to them, smiling as he runs past them. 'On your left!'
'Show off!' Wanda shouts.

They all stop laughing as soon as they see the carnage in front of them. 5 police cars circle the store, the enhanced girl stood in the middle of them. She's holding a plastic bag in one hand and a loaded glock 19 in the other. A police man lies on the floor, holding his arm limply in his hand, it's twisted and most definitely broken.
'You have now just assaulted a police officer, I suggest you stand down little girl.' One cop shouts.
'I'm not a little girl, old man.' the girl spits as she drops the bag and holds up her hand towards him, golden tendrils swirling round her palm and fingers.
The man holds up his gun, his hand shaking from fear.

'Officers you can get going, we have it from here.' Steve steps forward. 'Thanks for coming.'
The cop puts his gun away and hauls up his other co-worker towards a car. They all speed away, clearly not wanting to deal with the girl.
'Drop the gun sweetheart, what's your name?'
'No. Cordelia.' She bluntly answers. 'You're here to arrest me.'
'No.' Wanda says, sneaking up as she pulls the gun out of her hand and throws it to Natasha. 'But we do need you to come with us.'
'Why should I do that?' Cordelia laughs as she bends down to grab her bag, throwing Wanda through the glass and into the store behind her.
'Well that makes our job harder and her first impression even worse.' Nat utters to Steve, 'Get her out of here.'

Delia goes to lift up Nat but Wanda comes and pins her down from behind, struggling against Wanda's skill, she starts to hold both arms in the air to try and break through Maximoffs barrier.
'Who are you?' Wanda says as she continues to hold down Delia to the ground. 'Do you know about hydra? did they do anything to you?'
'Don't talk about hydra to me!' Cordelia shouts as she continues to fight against Wandas power.
'Get her Nat, looks like we do indeed have another test subject here.' Steve says into comms.
'Guess the guy wasn't talking total shit then.' Tony says into the teams earpiece.
'Language!' Nat says as she gives a sneaking side look to Steve.

'Never going to get rid of that.' Steve sighs as he grabs Delia and puts two restraints round her wrists.
'I didn't want to have to do that Delia but you left us no choice. Now come on, your coming to headquarters with us.'
Cordelia gives up fighting and steps into the van that has just pulled up.
Happy is at the wheel, 'New recruit? I bet that Peter is going to love her.' he sighs.
'Well she's not a talker so don't get your hopes up Happy.' Steve chuckles. 'Nat, your next to Delia.'
Nat sighs but obliges. Not looking at Delia she says, 'You better not expect me to look after her Steve.'
'Oh I don't, but I'm sure Tony will. You've not been too busy at the moment, you could use some of that motherly instinct.'
Wanda and Delia both start laughing and attempt to muffle it.
'Do not listen to that man Delia, I'm not about to become your babysitter.' she half-smiles.  Steve buts in, 'You do seem quite capable, now why are you wearing that hospital gown?'
Cordelia stops laughing and looks down at the ground. 'Mister USA, is it? You're getting nothing out of me sir.'
'I'll take that as a sign to stop asking questions then.' he stretches and turns around to face Wanda. 'Did she seriously just call me Mister USA?'

• • • • • •

'I'm sorry Tony but no! I'm not about to become a glorified babysitter for this girl!'
Mr Stark sighs as the whole team eat dinner together. Except for Delia, who is currently sat in her new room, attempting to get rid of the metal restraints still around her wrist.

'You always said how you wanted to be a mother Nat?' Bruce offers. 'Now's your chance'
'Yeah, to a non-enhanced child who doesn't have an attitude equal to a juvenile delinquent.'
'Look, just mentor her for a few weeks, we don't even know if we are going to keep her here long-term. If you try and kill each other then we will find someone else to look after her.' Tony negotiates.

'She can't go to school?' Nat sighs.
'Are you kidding me? She broke a cops arm and has killed about 7 other men. Not yet no, we will see how she's doing in a couple weeks.'
'Fine. But I'm not taking her outside of the compound, she stays here.'
'Well we are all in agreement at last. Everyone be nice to Delia, think of what Wanda was like when she first arrived.'
'Moody, unpredictable, stubbor-' Thor starts listing off.
'Thanks a lot.' Wanda smirks as she puts a her hand on Visions. 'But yes do be nice, I think she needs it as much as I did.'

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