the shock collar

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'Delia, dinner is ready!' Tony shouts from down the hall. 'We have a guest tonight, I think your going to like him.'
Cordelia sighs as she pulls her dark blue sweats back on. She's spent the last hour staring at the tattoo on her hip, trying to think of what she could possibly do to hide it.
Walking down the hall she sees another teenager is now sat at the table, next to Tony and Thor. He catches Cordelias eye and stands up to go greet her.
'Hi, It's Peter, Peter Parker. Or if we are using our made up names it's Spider-man.' He nervously goes to shake Cordelias hand.
Ignoring his outstretched hand she gives him a sly smile and says 'Cordelia. I have no made up name yet. I'm not the superhero type.' And sits down at the table opposite.

'Well what are you doing here then?' Peter genuinely asks, a look of curiosity on his face.
'I'm not quite sure myself.' Delia answers as she gives Nat a knowing look. Nat looks back, a feeling of guilt beginning to arise.
'Well, now Peter and Delia are introduced shall we begin eating?' Tony breaks the awkward silence. 'Vision is officially banned from cooking so I can promise you it's all edible.'
Wanda laughs and cuddles up to Vision,
'He's not so bad. He just needs to learn his spices.'
'It would help if I was able to eat the food I was making Mr Stark.' Vision jokes.

Peter is the first to grab the basket of bread in the middle of the table, he takes a piece and offers it to Delia.
'No thank you.' She declines. Ever since Delia arrived at the compound she's barely been eating and Nat has been picking up on it.
'Cordelia take it. You've barely eaten today.' Nat gently asks. She's not prepared to start a fight with the girl.
'I'm not hungry. It would be a waste of food.' She bluntly answers. 'Peter can come back to my room later though.' Delia smirks, attempting to divert the conversation.
'They'll be no one coming to your room if you don't eat. We will have to put you in isolation.' Tony orders, 'Just have some bread.'
Delias eyes glow a slight shade of golden yellow, Bruce picks up on this and tries to signal Tony but he doesn't notice.

'Stop flirting with Peter and eat the goddamn bread. I'm not having a child dead from starvation in this facility.' His voice rises.
'Fuck you and your facility, Stark.' Delia hissed, lifting her hand up from underneath the table she throws Tony from his chair and onto the ground.
'Get her.' Tony splutters, trying to compose himself 'Get a shock collar, she's losing her privileges if she doesn't get her act together.'
Wanda pulls out her chair and pins Delia's hands from behind as Bruce goes to the lab to get the metal collar.

The rest of the team leave the room, they know what is about to happen isn't pretty. Nat leans towards Peter and whispers in his ear.
'We only found her yesterday, ignore what she said to you, she's just being defensive because she doesn't know what's going on.'
'Well I think she's nice.' Peter says, looking back at Delia, who's struggling against Wanda's grip in pain.
'Well don't get too friendly, based off that performance she might not be here much longer.' Nat sighs. Why is Delia jeopardising her chances of a good team and better life?

Bruce runs back into the room with the collar and swiftly fastens it around Delia's neck, as he clips it in he whispers 'I'm sorry Cordelia. Tony's orders.' and walks away to catch up with the rest of the group.
Wanda looks up at Tony, expecting him to just let them both go.
'We're not done here, Wanda you go take to one of the cells, she's in confinement until she learns to have some respect.'
Wanda looks at Tony in shock. 'She's just a kid, don't you think that's a little far. You told me you liked the look of her?'
Tony looks at Delia. 'That was until she threw me across the floor after I cooked dinner for everyone.'

Wanda sighs and goes to take Delia's hand, Cordelia attempts to use her powers to push it away but the blinker on her beeps and she keels over in pain, her breathing staggers and shallows.
'See what I mean?'
Wanda glares at Tony, 'Come on Delia, don't fight it. It hurts, I know.' Wanda softly says. 'See you later Tony, we're going to talk about this.'

Wanda leads Delia to a row of three cells, all of them painted a bleak grey, all of them has a bed and a corridor that leads to the bathroom, which is equally as depressing looking.
'Take your pick but they're all the same. There are cameras in the bedroom but not the bathroom.'
'Cozy.' Delia mutters.
'It's not nice, but keep your head down and you'll be out by tomorrow afternoon. Tony is just cautious with new people, especially enhanced.'
Wanda rubs Delia's shoulder as she says her goodbyes and locks the cell behind her.
'Goodnight Cordelia. And I'm sorry.' she sighs.

• • • • • •

'Its a complete overreaction Tony!' Nat shouts, 'She's a child! You can't keep that collar on her, it's inhumane!'
Tony starts laughing to himself as he turns around to face Natasha, 'Wait a second, aren't you the same person who asked me less than a day ago to get rid of her?'
'That's different. I'm not partial to Delia but that doesn't mean I'm willing to let her get locked up like a hydra criminal.'
'Well what if she is.' Tony responds harshly. 'The accent, the powers. It would make sense.'
'Even if she is Tony you don't know what they could of done to her. She's a teenager, she won't understand what she got herself into.'
'I don't believe-'
'I don't care Tony. I really don't want to hear it right now, I'm going down to talk to Delia.' Natasha interrupts. 'Go to bed.'

Nat makes her way down to the cell, stopping off at the control room she logs into the camera system and goes to turn off all CCTV in the cells. Delia is pacing the room and every moment or so she attempts to get the collar off but is shocked and screeches in pain.
Nat cant bear to watch for much longer so she switches off the CCTV and starts walking down to the cell.
Natasha was never affected much by seeing people in pain, thanks to the work of the red room. But when it came to the people she cared for and also children, that was a different story.

Nat reaches the cell and knocks on the door before unlocking it.
'Cordelia? It's me, Nat.'
'Leave.' Delia says breathlessly. 'I've learnt my lesson. You don't have to punish me.'
'Come here doll, let me get off this you.' Nat puts her hand towards Delia's neck but she flinches back, almost like it was habit.
'Delia, I'm just going to take the collar off, don't worry.' Nat softly says. Why would Cordelia flinch like that? She didn't seem like the type to be scared of a hand movement.
Nat unclips the collar and throws it on the floor.

'What about the cameras?' Delia mumbles.
'I switched them off, we have about ten minutes before Tony and Bruce will notice.'
'Why are you being so nice?' she asks, dried tear streaks shining on her face in the fluorescent lights of the cell.
'Because I know it's all an act.' Nat smiles. 'You're not a bitchy teenager, your far too intelligent to pull that act.'
Delia's neck twitches slightly, probably still affected by the endless shocks she had endured for the last two hours.

'Delia... Did someone hurt you?' Nat tentatively asks, she has to be careful. She can't rush the girl but if things are going to work out for her then she has to start talking.
'No' Delia robotically replies, 'No one hurt me. It was my choice to receive these enhancements.'
The answers sound rehearsed, almost like she had been told to say that to anyone who asks.
'I'm going to ask again. Remember, there is no one watching us, no microphones or cameras.'
'Stop getting into my head.' Cordelia shouts,
'I know what your trying to do, your the enemy, He told me all about you.'
'I don't know what you've been told doll but I'm here to help you, we all are. Just calm down for a moment and we can sort this out.' Nat attempts to stop Delia's rising hysteria.
'No! Stop. Please stop. They are the only people who have the truth. They are always right.' Cordelia continues to shout. Her eyes gleaming yellow as she screams these two words:
'Hail Hydra!'

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