the strange man

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Fifteen minutes after Nat and Delia arrived The party is in full swing, Delia was sat by herself at the bar while she looked over at Nat who was laughing with a woman in a suit and a man with an eyepatch.
Delia had heard of him before, she remembers one of the officers mentioning a man called Nick Fury. He was on her kill list before she escaped.
'Hey kid. Nice jacket.' Tony strolled up to her.
'That's Maria Hill and Nick Fury, you heard of them?'
Delia still didn't trust Tony. Well she didn't trust any of the avengers, but Mr Stark had always seemed a little too arrogant for her liking.
'In a roundabout way I guess so.' She said.
'You'll get to know them well, they're nice people. Fury can be a little overbearing.' he laughs. 'Enjoy the party kid. No hard feelings about the other night, I promise.' Tony sauntered off. He was a little tipsy.

Delia hated the drunk hydra officers at her old place, they always got so grabby with her. They thought they could do anything they wanted with her because she was in a straight-jacket. Creeps.

She started to get a little bored of staring at the same bottles of gin she wasn't allowed to drink, so Delia decided to have a walk around and see who was who and what was what.
She spotted Steve taking to two men she hadn't seen before, Steve saw her looking and before she could walk away he waved her over.
'Be cool.' she whispered to herself before she came over to them.
'Hey kid, meet Sam and Bucky. Sam and Bucky this is Cordelia, or Delia.'
She stuck her hand out to shake hands with the two men and half-smiled at them.
'I've heard about your enhancements. Pretty powerful for a girl your age, impressive.' Sam praised her.
'Well thank the mind stone, not me.' Delia joked.
Bucky looked a little less friendly than Sam, not in a bad way. He just had the same look that Delia noticed in herself, he must of had history with hydra too.
'Cool arm.' she offered, not wanting to make it awkward.
'Thanks kid. don't worry by the way, you'll get settled into all this madness soon. It's better than where you before I bet.' he looked at her hands briefly.
'Yeah.' she replied, what else can she say to that?
'Well, us three are gonna go get a drink, nice talking to you Delia, I'll see you later.' Steve saluted before walking off with Sam and Bucky.

'Could of gone worse.' She muttered. Already getting bored of the party and all the loud people she glanced over to Nat, who was still busy talking to Hill and Fury.
'Fuck it, I want to go outside.' Delia decided before taking one last look at Nat and walking off to the door. 'I won't be too long anyway.'

The cold air hit Delia and she breathed in deeply. It felt like forever since she had been able to breathe fresh air.
she strolled around the gardens absentmindedly, hovering slightly above the grass every now and then and practicing what Wanda had taught her during training.
While messing around, she saw a dark figure in the distance.
'Subject 231.' the man repeated out loud. The voice was piercing her ears and rang through her head, she began to panic as she eventually noticed the figure walking towards her.
'No please no.' she cursed as she attempted to run away from the familiar figure, but it seemed he was able to catch up with her no matter how fast she ran.
'Skylight.' the voice robotically announced
'No.' Delia tried to clamp her ears shut. 'No.'
'Eighteen. May. Swan.'
'Go Away!' Delia used all her strength to push away the figure, and finally he flew back across the fence.
But she knew if He could get in once, He could get in again.

• • • • • •

'Tony have you seen Delia?' Nat sharply asked him. The party had begun to dissipate and pretty soon it was just the avengers sat around a table, along with Agent Hill and Fury.
'Nope.' Tony said. 'You were meant to be keeping an eye on her.'
Nat knew she couldn't argue with that, she was meant to be making sure Delia wasn't getting up to anything.
'She looked really nice tonight Nat, I hope she's not too far.' Peter said.
'She would be looking even nicer if we could actually find her.' Nat muttered, looking all around the huge party room.
'I'll go look in the lab.' Bruce got up and walked to the glass room.
'I'll check the dorms.' Clint also offered. 'Wanda you come with me.'
The two strolled off, no one seemed especially concerned about the disappearance other than Nat.
'Are you not worried Tony?' Nat glares. 'She could be anywhere, she could of left the compound completely.'
'Jarvis would of picked up on it. Don't panic so quickly Nat, go look in the grounds if your so worried.'
'I will.' Nat grabs a handgun from underneath the bar. 'Vision, come with me.'
'Anything to help.' Vision hovers out of the door along with Nat.

The pair scan the gardens, but Delia isn't to be seen.
'Vision you check out front, I'll go look around the trees.' Nat quietly orders.
Vision nods and drifts away while Nat begins to look underneath every bush and foliage.
'Delia?' she shouts. 'Cordelia?'
'Natasha!' she hears a faint screech on the left side of the grounds.
'Delia?!' Nat begins to panic and run towards the voice. 'Where are you?'
Scrambling through the trees she finds Delia hidden between two bushes.
'You are in so much trouble I swear to go-'
Delia shuts Nat's mouth with her powers and shakes her head.
'Don't talk, He could be near here, He's after me.' Delia panically said.
'Your safe now, Vision is scanning the grounds. If he finds an intruder he'll lock him up or get rid of him.' Nat reassured the shaking girl.
'He will be back.' Delia whispers. 'I need to leave, you don't understand.'
'Come on Delia, get inside and try and tell me what you can. I know your worried about the repercussions of what will happen, but the more we know, the safer you can be.'
Nat goes to grab Delia's arm in the moment, but Delia flinches and Nat gets thrown off her feet.
'Jesus Nat I'm sorry I really am.' Delia stands up and hurriedly checks to see if Nat is okay.
'Don't sweat it kid.' Nat sighs. 'Just come inside and tell me something. anything.'
Nat was beginning to become exhausted of not knowing anything about Cordelia, she was doing everything she could to make her trust her.

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