the discovery

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'Rise and shine trouble!' Nat shouts over to the sleepy Delia.
'What time is it?' she rubs sleep out of her eyes and looks around. 'God did I fall asleep here? I'm so sorry.' Delia apologised.
'You were tired, and at least I knew you were okay. I slept on the couch, it's comfy.' Nat smiles. She didn't want explicitly mention to Cordelia about the shouting and fighting she saw from her while she was sleeping.
'You sleep okay?' Nat tenderly asks.
'Same as always.' Delia gives her a half smile and walks over to the door. 'Thanks for the snacks last night. I'll get ready now, i'll see you later.'
'See you at breakfast?' Nat asks
'Sure.' Delia was a little apprehensively go see the rest of the team after last night, nothing she couldn't handle though.

• • • • • •

'Just don't bring anything up.' Nat instructs. 'She wasn't doing well last night, no thanks to you Tony.'
'I'm sorry Nat.' Tony genuinely apologises, 'I didn't... I mean her father? Really?'
'Look it was unexpected for us all.' Wanda says, 'But all of us have our pasts, she's just like any of us.'
'Very true.' Nat agrees, 'Bruce do that medical assessment on her today if you have the time.'
'Of course Nat.' Bruce nods.
'Thank you.' Natasha smiles. 'I'll go and get her now, she was just getting ready.'

• • • • • •

'Hey Delia you ready?' Nat opens the door a little and sees Delia staring down at her hip
'What are you looking at?' Nat walks over to her.
'Nothing, it's fine!' Delia pulls up her sweatpants and smiles at Nat, but her eyes are glistening.
'Whatever you say doll.' Nat doesn't argue. 'Breakfast is ready.'
'I don't really feel like-'
'If you wait longer to face everyone it just makes it worse. Don't worry, a lot of people had their first awkward morning after. Including me.' Nat encourages.
'Okay okay I'm coming.' Delia pulls up her hood while pulling on a pair of sliders she found in her closet.

Delia strolls into the dining are, trying to seem as carefree as she could muster.
'Morning.' She puts her hand up in a wave and sits down next to Wanda. She didn't want to seem like she was attached to at the hip to Nat, it was a little embarrassing.
'Good Morning.' Tony gives a tight lipped smile. 'Waffles or Pancakes Delia?' he offers.
'Pancakes.... Please.' Delia picks up two from the plate in the middle of the table.
Everyone begins to eat and Wanda starts to babble to Delia about this sitcom she had been watching. Cordelia was grateful for the conversation and she agreed to watch an episode with her and Vision at some point.

'Team' Steve declared from the end of the table 'we all have something we need to attend tonight as a team, not a mission or anything, I think Fury just wants us us to attend a conference of some sort.'
'All of us?' Nat asks, nodding over to Delia.
'Well... Just official members.' Steve glances over to Delia.
'Parker could come round for the night.' Tony says.
'School is the next day for him, Aunt May wouldn't allow it.' Steve reminds him.
'Jesus these kids are always at schoo-'
'Could I not go to school?' Delia tentatively asks. 'Nat said....' she stopped when she realised the whole team had gone silent.
Steve and Tony raise their eyebrows at Nat as if to say, 'You seriously told her she could go to school?'
'I'll take that as a no then.' Delia stares down at her slippers.
'Just... give it a few weeks.' Nat reassures Delia, avoiding the stare she was receiving from Tony.
'A few weeks my ass.' Tony laughs.
'Language Mr Stark.' Delia giggles under her breath, Steve hears her and starts to laugh.
'You understand don't you kid?' Tony tries to explain. 'Let's see how we get on.' He pats Delia on the back as he walks away with Steve, she digs her fingernails into her palm from the touch and her hand starts to bleed a little.
Nat looks over at her and mouths 'You okay?'  but Delia just gets up to join Vision and Wanda to the training room.
'I think you will thrive at a schooling environment Cordelia.' Vision nods. 'Wanda got to go to a community college for a while and she loved it.'
'I didn't get to go to day college until I'd been here two months.' Wanda sympathises, 'They just like to make sure your settled in properly, y'know?'
'No of course I truly do understand.' Delia says 'I think it would just be nice to be able to read above the age level of a 6 year old, or use a computer.' she forces a laugh out of herself but it sounds a little strained which Wanda notices, but doesn't say anything.

• • • • • •

'Hey.' Nat walks into the training room where Delia is practicing boxing while Vision and Wanda went off to go and talk.
'Hi.' Delia pulls off the boxing gloves and walks over.
'Whenever anyone arrives here a routine medical assessment is done, Bruce is ready to yours now if you don't mind?'
'For real?' Delia sighs.
'Yes, you don't have to do anything or tell him anything, he's just going to run some tests.'
'Whatever you say boss.' Delia raises her eyebrows as she begins to walk to the medical room with Nat.
'I saw that.' Nat smirks. She was glad to see that Delia was mainly back to herself after last night. Kids bounce back fast, she knew that well enough.

'Okay this should just be a pinch.' Bruce gets an antiseptic wipe and rubs Delia's forearm as he reaches for a needle.
Delia moved away from him, 'Why do you need to-'
'He's just taking a blood sample.' Nat said as she glanced over at Bruce, Delia noticed how Natasha always seemed to blush a little whenever she looked at the man.
'Oh Okay.'
'You can look away if you want.' Bruce says as he locates a vein.
'It's okay, just go for it.'
Bruce stuck the needle in swiftly and pulled it out again in mere seconds.
'I'll have a look at your sample in a second, but I just want to do a quick medical history. Just so we know of any underlying conditions.'
He handed Delia a sheet of paper with a list of questions and a pen.
'We usually do it online but I thought paper might be easier as quicker.' Bruce smiled as he turned to the blood sample and loaded it onto a testing machine.

Delia began filling out the questionnaire, date of birth was the first question which she left unanswered. She knew she was 16 but that was all. The rest were also pretty hard to answer, she didn't know if she had ever been vaccinated, or had asthma, or broken bones. She knew she had been injected a lot of times, but if they were vaccines or not she couldn't say.
Nat peered over and looked at the mainly empty sheet.
'Don't worry about answering these questions, they're more interested in your blood sample.' Nat whispered. 'This is just a distraction. Don't tell Bruce or Tony I told you this.'
Delia nodded as Bruce turned around, rubbing his head as he took his glasses off.
'You say you were tested on with the mind stone, right?' He urgently asks.
'Yeah.' Delia nervously answers, 'And a lot of other stuff as well.'
'What stuff?' He starts typing on his computer again.
'Just injections, radiation maybe. I don't know. No one told me anything apart from that I was important in hydras mission for the world.'
'Radiation?' Bruce says. 'What do you mean by maybe?'
Delia looked down at her feet. It wasn't like they didn't know everything else about her, this information wouldn't change anything.
'My father said that when my mother was pregnant with me, she was exposed to radiation. Accident or not, I'm not sure.'
'But you got your powers from the mind stone?'
'I think so. Why does it matter?' Delia's voice began to rise as she walked towards Bruce.
'Calm down Delia-' Nat stepped forwards between Delia and Bruce.
'No I want to know what this dudes problem is!'

'If your cells were altered by the radiation that could make you this worlds first born mutant.' Bruce hurriedly explains as he pulls up a picture of Delia's blood sample.
'Look. Your cells are different, they age twice as slow as an average humans. By the time your 40 you'll still look like a teenager.'
'Your fucking with me.' Delia calms down and stares at the picture on the screen.
'You'll heal faster as well, Bullet wounds could heal in minutes.'
'Bruce don't get her excited, she'll be getting herself hurt if you tell her she's invincible.'
'She could be a great addition to the team-'
'She's not a new fancy weapon Bruce.' Nat shouts as she gestures Delia to come with her. 'She's a kid.' 
'I never said that Nat.' Bruce attempts to explain.
'It's what you meant.' Nat sighed as she left with Delia.

'I'm not a child-' Delia began to protest as she pulled out two mugs for her and Nat.
'Telekinesis or not you are a child.' Nat smirks. 'Now don't go thinking we just want to use you for battles okay?'
'He just wanted to impress you.' Delia smiled to herself as she poured out two cups of coffee.
'I read him. He just wanted to show you what he knows.'
'Well you better not go reading around in my mind.' Nat points to her head.
'I'd feel too bad.' Delia laughs. 'What if you were thinking about something personal? I don't need to know that.'
'Respectful.' Nat nods approvingly.
'To those who deserve it.'
'Have you ever read anyone else's?' Nat slyly asks.
'Yeah, Tony's. Big mistake.' Delia put her head on the table. 'He was thinking about Miss Potts. In a gross way.' She made a fake gagging gesture. 'Never again.'
'Oh god.' Nat laughs, 'I don't need to hear anything else.'

Her and Delia hung out for a while in the dining room until it was time for the team to go and meet Fury.
'Be good.' Nat instructs Delia. 'There's food in the fridge if you need anything.'
'We should be back by 12am.' Tony reassures her. 'If you need anything, go find Pepper, she said she'd be around for the night.'
'See you later kid.' Bruce awkwardly waves as he walks over to Nat.
'Bye everyone.' Delia says goodbye as they all get into the jet.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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