the party preperations

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After Delia clears the table from breakfast, Tony tells the group he has an announcement to make.
'I will be having a little get together tonight everyone. A few people will be coming round to the compound.'
Pepper walks into the room and rolls her eyes. 'He means a party, he's having another party. Surprise surprise.' She pats his shoulder and he kisses her on the cheek.
'Well yes, it is a party. Delia, you are invited- as long as you are on your best behaviour and don't pull any stunts.'
'Thanks Tony.' she mumbles. She's never been to a hot-shot party, unless you count hydra meetings.
'I'll keep an eye on her' Nat reassures Tony.
'Great.' Tony nods, 'So everyone, make sure your scrubbed up well. Formal wear only. You know the drill.'
Pepper ruffles Tony's head and goes over to Delia.
'Nice to meet you sweetheart. I'm Pepper, Tony's forgotten wife.' She laughs. 'I've heard a lot about you. You seem a lot nicer than what I've been told though don't worry! welcome to the compound.'
'Thanks Ms Potts.' Delia musters a smile. Guess her first impression has travelled around faster than she thought.
'See you tonight everyone.' Pepper says her goodbyes and everyone else starts to get up and go off to whatever they need to do for the day.
'Come on Delia, training.' Nat says, getting up and grabbing two bottles of water off the side.

• • • • •
'I've brought Wanda and Bruce in to watch. Wanda because she was also exposed to the mind stone and will be able to help you control the power, and Bruce just because he's a sucker for enhanced powers.'
Bruce fiddles with his glasses and laughs nervously. 'I'm also here just in case you-'
Nat shushes him and gives him a look to say
'Don't say that while she's in the room'
He nods understandingly. 'Sorry, carry on.'

'You and Wanda can go practice together for a few minutes, let me just go and talk to Bruce for a sec.'
Wanda strolls over to Delia and sits onto the floor, patting the space in front of her while she takes some blocks out her pocket.
'Here, sit.'
Delia sits down and looks at the wooden blocks.
'I've heard crazy things about you, your the most powerful of all the Avengers. That's what He said.'
Wanda looked up at Cordelia quizzically.
'Well thanks, Delia. But who are you talking about?' She leans in and talks a little quieter, 'Do you mean hydra?'
'Yes, you wouldn't of met Him though.' Delia hurriedly said. 'He's not a nice man.'
'It's okay.' Wanda looked at Delia comfortingly, 'Let's see what you can do then.'
'Do you want a list or-'
'A brief one yes. What do you know you can do?'
'Well when they talked about me they would say things like psionics, teleportation, energy manipulation, pyrokenisis.'
'Pyrokenisis? Could I see that?' Wanda asked.
'Sure.' Delia shrugged.

Delia lifted her hand slightly and one of the wooden blocks glided into the air, hovering slightly before she snapped one of her fingers and the block burst into flames, burning for a minutes or so before it turned into ash and fell onto the floor.
'Nicely done.' Nat said from the end of the room, her and Bruce had come back from the other room.
'You have a lot of potential, for your age you actually have a lot of control over it.' Wanda encouraged.
'It's a work in progress.' Delia says. 'What happened yesterday won't happen again guys. I promise. Sorry Bruce about what I said.'
'No problem.' He says, rubbing his neck uncomfortably.
'I think he took it as a compliment anyway.'  Wanda smiles infectiously.
'Well as long as you stay quiet tonight you should be okay.' Nat says, 'You guys carry on. Me and Bruce will be over here.'

Wanda and Delia carry on training together while Bruce and Nat sat together in the corner.
'You think she's okay?' Bruce asks.
'Well. 'Okay' is a broad term Banner. If your asking weather I think she's okay, yeah I do. She's not as grumpy as when she first came. If your asking me if she is doing okay, I'm not so sure. If your asking me if I think she'll be okay, I hope so.' Nat looks over at the girl, her and Wanda are teleporting to different areas in he room and playing a game of tag.
'I hope she'll be okay too Nat. She's bringing out a different side of you, a nice side.' Bruce says before raising his eyebrows. 'Not that I didn't think you had a nice side before, every side of you is nice. This is just a side I've never seen before-'
'I know what you meant Bruce.' Nat pats his shoulder, 'Don't stress it.'

• • • • • •

'Are you two done messing around yet?' Nat calls over. 'You better be glad I'm here and not Steve, he'd be having you do laps around the compound instead of playing teleportation tag.'
Wanda walks over to Nat, Bruce had to leave a little while earlier to go do a presentation at a nearby university with Tony.
'Yeah we're finished for the day.' Wanda says. 'I've got a bearing now of what Delia can do. She's going to be a great asset, she's usually fine at controlling herself- the situation that happened yesterday shouldn't happen again.' She whispers into her ear
'Fab Wanda, I'll see you at the party.' Nat thanks her. 'Do you mind if we have a rummage through your closet later for Cordelia? I have a feeling she'll prefer your clothes to mine.'
'Sure. I owe you one for that jacket I borrowed and never gave back.' Wanda laughs before leaving the room.
'She never did give me back that jacket.' Nat rolls her eyes to Delia.

'You ready Cordelia? It's time to get ready, party starts in an hour or so.'
'Sure, coming now.' Delia grabs the remaining wooden blocks and goes down to the living quarters with Nat.
She's a little nervous, a 'get-together' isn't something she's ever attended before, or at least been invited to. She sometimes heard the rowdy nights of hydra parties, and they didn't exactly sound like something she would want to go to.

Delia wonders if the team will ever find out how many people she's hurt. And if they do, will they throw her out? While she's at the facility she's basically safe from Him finding her. At least for a while.

'Whatever. You'll be fine.' Delia reassures herself while she waits outside the living quarters for Nat to get changed.
'I'm ready.' Nat walks out in a formal black dress. 'Let's go find you something to wear hon.'
'You look nice.' Cordelia says. Is that a good enough compliment?
'Thank you, not as good as your going to look though.' Nat goes to rub Delia's shoulder but she thinks better of it.

'Wanda?' Nat knocks onto Wanda's form but gets no answer. 'She must already be ready. Let's hurry up and find something.'
Delia sits herself down at Wanda's dressing room table while Nat rummaged through her closet.
'What about this?' Nat pulls out a wine coloured velvet blazer and a simple black satin mini dress.
'Sure.' Delia didn't really know what to say, she had never worn anything as nice as than before.
'I got some shoes as well, they should fit you okay.' Nat pulled out a pair of platform doc martens. 'Sorry they're a bit battered, Wanda does a lot of walking.'

Nat left the room while Delia got changed and came back with a toiletries bag.
'Not that you need it, but I thought it would be nice for you to see what you look like with a bit of makeup on, you know?'
Delia nodded while Nat pulled out a few tubes of makeup.
'Do you mind?' Nat asked as she pointed to Cordelia's face.
'Oh. Yeah of course, go ahead.'
While Nat got to work putting various products on Delia's face, she began to tell Delia the rules of the party.
'Don't feel the need to go and speak to people, but if someone walks up to you and starts talking, be polite. Most of the people at these things just love to talk about themselves.'
'Like Tony?' Delia smirks.
Nat bursts out laughing. 'Yes. Just like Tony. Also, if anyone offers you a drink or offers to hold onto it for you, say no.' Nat sternly says. 'And I will be near the bar for the most of the night if you need anything, your company is better than a load of old men anyway.'

Nat finishes off Delia's makeup with a little kohl around her eyes and begins to unplait her hair. It falls down in loose waves and she sprays a little hairspray into it.
'Perfect.' Nat smiles.
Delia turns around to look at herself in the mirror and stares up and down. She looks so different, but in a nice way. Like the kind of girls she would see on the streets of New York and wish she looked like.
'Thank you so much.' Delia beams. 'For real.'
'Your going to be showing me up tonight looking that good.' Nat admires. 'Now come on, let's get going. I can hear Tony has put on his playlist.'
Nat guides Delia downstairs to where guests are beginning to pour in from the the entrance.
'Don't be nervous kid.'

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