the beginning

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'Nat could you go wake up Cordelia please? She didn't eat last night and I would really not like our new recruit to starve on their first week.' Tony asks as the team start to come down for breakfast.
'Of course.' Nat retorts, Tony pats her shoulder as she walks past. 'Watch it Tony.' she shouts.

'Get up. Breakfast.' Nat opens the door and flips the switch on Delias room but the bed is empty and already made.
'Fuck' Nat hastily walks back to the breakfast table where everyone is sat and see's Delia is now sat on the corner next to Bruce, who is now undoing her restraints.

'You little....' Nat sits down and stares at Delia who is stretching her newly freed hands.
'What do you want to eat Delia? Anything you want.' Clint offers.
'I'll have whatever the science man is having.' Delia points to Bruce. 'He's cute, where you find him?' she smirks at him.
Bruce blushes a deep shade of red as Wanda starts giggling.
'Jesus christ Tony she doesn't make small talk does she?' Clint laughs, 'That's Bruce. And you better keep that mouth zipped, he's 30 years older than you. Now what do you want to eat?'

Delia says nothing as she moves the piece of buttered toast Nat just placed onto her plate onto her own with her mind. Looking straight into Nats eyes she takes a bite and sets it down onto the plate.
'I'm full, thanks for the hospitality everyone.'
She gets up and walks away back to her room silently, still wearing the hospital gown from yesterday.
'I told you Tony, she's too much hassle.' Nat mutters as she gets herself another piece of toast.
'Well I like her, she's got personality.' Clint adds.
'Makes a change from Miss Moody yesterday.' Steve laughs.

'Did anyone else notice the russian accent?' Tony interrupts. 'No matter what you think of her Nat treat her as you would with any other mission. Get information out of her, train her. For gods sake I'm not asking you to become best friends but the girl has clearly never had an authority figure in her life.'
The group goes quiet for a moment but Cordelias voice down the hall breaks the silence.
'I'm not deaf Miss Romanoff.' She shouted.
The team burst into laughter as Nat put her head in her hands and muttered to herself. 'She's unescapable.'

• • • • • •

'Come on Cordelia we have training' Nat knocks on the door and walks in to see Delia levitating in the air with her legs crossed, watching the news on tv.
'I was on the news...' Delia says. 'How many people watch the news Natasha?'
Nat rolls her eyes, 'God I don't know Delia, it's NYC, news gets around fast. Especially an enhanced like you, I'm sure you'll love the attention don't worry-'
'No no. You don't understand.' Delias eyes are full of panic, but she tries to act nonchalant
'What?' Nat starts to grow more concerned.
'It's nothing. The security here is good right?'
'Yes. Very. Now come on, let's see if your any good.' Nat gestures to the door and the pair leave.

'Here is the training room, we are just going to start off with hand to hand combat. You can use your powers.' Natasha ties her hair up and throws Delia a grey long sleeved t-shirt and sweats. 'Now get changed. I'm not going to be asking you any questions during this, I don't care and you don't want to tell. Hurry up.'
Delia gets changed and runs back to the training room, her mind is still stuck on her face being on the news. Will He find out about where she is?

She pushes the thought to the back of her mind as she faces Nat, who is now running towards her, ready to fight.
Cordelia holds out her hands and lifts Nat into the air, slamming her back down to the ground as she walks behind her and waits for her to get up.
'Well done.' Nat grudgingly says. 'But you can't always rely on your powers.'
Delia holds out her arm for Nat but she ignores it, getting up by herself. The pair continue with training and Nat starts to teach her about different forms of hand to hand combat.

'You did well Cordelia.' Nat gives her a small smile. 'Do you want any lunch?'
'No. Thank you.' Delia gives her a small nod and walks back to her room. 'You weren't so bad yourself Romanoff!' she shouts from inside the door.
'Watch your mouth.' Nat shouts back as she walks over to Thor, who is making lunch.
'Shes going to grow on you, I can feel it.' He pats Nat on the back. 'You just need to get used to having a kid.'
'She's not my kid, how many times do I have to tell you all?!'
'Aren't you wondering where she came from?' He asks. 'I mean, hospital gown, russian accent, refuses to talk about hydra. It's all very intriguing.'
Nat shakes her head, 'Give her time to settle in. Can't be bombarding her all these questions about her past, it won't help us make a level of trust. Which she clearly needs.'
Thor nods and hands Nat a plate of pasta.
'That's exactly what a mother would say.' He winks.

Cordelia listened into what was being said, and when Natasha said that she smiled to herself.
They aren't going to ask questions, at least not for now.
She walks into the bathroom and flips the switch on as she pulls of her sweats to reveal .
the number 231 tattooed in deep red ink across her left hip.
'I'm gonna have to get that covered up.' She mutters. They can't find out about Him.

the forgotten enhanced - natasha romanoff Where stories live. Discover now