the comfort

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authors note- sorry this chapter is so short! i wanted to add more but it seemed like a good place to stop tbh <3
if you have any suggestions for the next few chapters plz comment! x

'You feel any better now you've cleaned up a little?' Nat asked. Delia shrugged and gave her a small smile. 'I guess. Sorry.' she was still crying a little.
'Don't be. It's okay.' Nat reassured her and patted the space next to her on the bed. Delia sat down cross legged and opened a bag of pretzels Nat had brought from the kitchen.
'You do realise your all in danger now, right?' Delia warned. 'Hydra, they'll be coming after you.'
Nat looked quizzically at Delia's face. She must of realised how long she had been on the run for.
'Cordelia, hydra was taken down a couple years ago. All the members are either dead or arrested, the movement doesn't exist anymore.'
'No. That can't be right.' Delia shook her head, 'They had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. they were everywhere.'
'We discovered that, we took care of it.'
'You can't of found everyone.'
'Anyone who is left won't be a threat anymore.' Nat reassured. 'Even your.... father.'

Delia sighed. How could they of been taken down? they were virtually invincible. They had infiltrated most governments, they had caused so many world tragedies. Then she remembered the man at the party.
'Bucky.' Delia realised. 'He was hydra, Now he's not.'
'Yep. We got him out.' Nat smiled. 'Wanda and her late brother, Pietro. They didn't just manage to escape, the system was weakening.'
'So does that mean-'
'Your safe? Yes.' Nat comforted. 'Even if your father is alive, he'll have to get through all of us first.'
'God.' Delia laughed through her tears. 'All that, for nothing. He promised me I was going towards something big, something worthwhile.'
'It must of seemed like a different world when you got out.' Nat smiled.
'Everything. Going into a store for the first time since I was like five, that was an experience.'
'Why did you start causing havoc then?' Nat raised her eyebrows.
Delia's posture immediately changed, and she stopped sharing eye contact with Nat.
'Can we eat some more of these pretzels?' she muttered, 'They're good.'
'Yeah, sure honey.' Nat smiled sadly. She knew that Delia was done with sharing.

Her and Delia sat on the bed eating the snacks while she told Cordelia about the general gossip of the week, Delia began to become more comfortable and the two lay back on the bed together flicking through tv channels.
'You and Bruce.' Delia smirked.
'What about me and Bruce?' Nat laughed defensively.
'You suit each other. You should ask him out.'
'Vision and Wanda are the lovebirds of the group, there's no room for anyone else.' Nat jokingly retorted. 'He's a lovely guy, but no. I'm not the dating type.'
'I think it would be nice. You should think about it.' Delia said. 'I'm making moves on Parker soon.' she joked.
'No you are not young lady.' Nat gasped sarcastically. 'You need to focus on your schoolwork!'
'School?' Delia sat up and looked at Nat. 'You mean-'
'I'm going to convince Tony to let you go to school. It might take a week or so, but I'll get you enrolled.'
Delia grinned to herself and continued to flick through the channels, stopping it on one that was playing an old black and white movie.
After a few minutes Delia yawned and nestled closer to Nat. She rested her head on her shoulder, closing her eyes.
'Night Cordelia.' Nat whispered. She was already asleep.
She turned off the television and sat in the dark, a few tears spilling from her eyes that she wipes away quickly.
'It's going to be okay now Delia. I promise.'

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