Chapter Seven: Fighting Fashion Freak

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Team Forces were in the lobby of the studio.

Tails: Fashion Freak has Earnest as prisoner right now, and he's soon to be a fur coat if we don't stop her!

Amy: As much as I wanna see that, we're better than Earnest. We have to go save him.

Cut to Fashion Freak and Earnest on top of the roofing, with Fashion Freak waiting for Team Forces and Earnest still tied up by the thread.

Fashion Freak: Where are those stupid heroes?

Infinite: [From his lair] Remember Fashion Freak, once they get there to save Earnest, you have to take the medallions from them.

Fashion Freak: [Evilly] Well in that case, maybe I should have someone go after them instead of waiting for them. That sounds much more fun. After all, my Prick Outfit would look even better with some hedgehog quills, fox and echidna fur, crocodile and chameleon scales and bee wings. [Uses her staff to summon a dark crystal demon] Go after Team Forces and bring them to me!

Demon: Yes Misteress Fashion Freak. [It flies off]

Earnest: I will not wear any of your outfits!

Fashion Freak: [Evilly] Oh dear, you won't be wearing my outfits, you are my outfits!

Earnest: [Panicking] Someone help! Let me out of this thread!

Fashion Freak: [Evilly] Don't worry, you will be let out soon enough. Hahahaha!

Cut to Team Forces in the studio lobby, trying to get the door to the stairs to the top of the roof open.

Vector: [Trying to get the door opened] Ugh! It's jammed!

Cut back to Fashion Freak.

Fashion Freak: [Evilly] Team Forces will soon have the privillege to be my little decorations on my outfits, but for now, I'm just gonna let my little demons have a little fun with them! [The door swings open as Fashion Freak's demon fly out]

Amy: Well, if it isn't one of Fashion Freak's little goons! [The demon pulls out a sword]

Vector: Looks like this is someone we better get rid of! 

Amy: Look out! [They all jump backwards as the demon swings at them]

Silver: Well, that wasn't very nice! [They fight, and the demon is thrown into a nearby closet]

Team Forces: Yeah! [They do a fist bump]

Amy: There's no time to lose! Earnest might just be turned into Fashion Freak's new design soon! And we better not let that happen! [They run up the stairs]

Cut to Fashion Freak and Earnest on top of the building.

Fashion Freak: [Smirks evilly at Earnest] Your fur is gonna be my masterpiece!

Earnest: [Panicking] But I don't wanna be turned into clothes!

Fashion Freak: [Evilly] Well that's too bad! You should've thought about that before you decided to sabotage my clothing line! [She then senses that her demon was locked in the closet] Ugh! What a weakling! [Summons another demon] You! Go get Team Forces and bring them to me!

Demon: Yes Misteress Fashion Freak. [Runs off]

Cut to Team Forces running up the stairs.

Charmy: Come on, you guys! It's just the seven of us and Fashion Freak and her weak demon thingys. We could seriously go places!

Tails: [Annoyed by Charmy's behavior] Uh, yeah, like up the stairs!

Charmy: Exactly! That's where we need to go, right? [The lights then go out]

Amy: Woah! [She almost fulls down the stairs, but Espio catches her in time and pulls her back up, but she accidently lands on him and they fall onto the floor, almost kissing each other on the lips. They both blush as they quickly move away from each other] Looks like you guys spoke too soon.

Espio:  I think the electricity made the lights go out!

Amy: You think? Looks like we have another demon to deal with! [Points at another demon, whowas also holding a sword] Looks like we've got another fight coming our way!

Vector: Well in that case, let's not waste any time! [They fight, and then the demon flings Team Forces down the stairs]

Amy: Looks like we've gotta be careful! [The demon tackles Charmy to the ground]

Infinite: [From his lair] Your time is up, Team Forces! Fashion Freak, have your demons grab his medallion!

Espio: I bet you don't know how to do this, Demon! [Uses his grapple powers and it grabs the demon's foot. Espio then flings it over to the door]

Amy: Nice work, Espio! Now let's go fight Fashion Freak! [Team Forces run back up the stairs]

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