Chapter Eight: Fashion Freak Defeated

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Fashion Freak and Earnst were on on the, with Earnest still tied up and Fashion Freak pulling out a knife as she got ready to cut up Earnest (You can help her too, Crystal the Cat).

Fashion Freak: [Evilly] I think it's finally time to cut you up! [Points the knife towards Earnest]

Earnest: [Panicking] Oh, no no no no noooo! Ah! [Team Forces then appear and Amy hits Fashion Freak away with her hammer as Espio uses his kunai to free Earnest from the thread. (Sorry to ruin the fun, Crystal)] It's about time you guys got here! What took you so long?! I was about to... [Espio "accidently" pushes Earnest and make him fall on the ground] 

Espio: Oops! [Insert Oh Meme]

Fashion Freak: No! My Prick Outfit will have no design at all!

Amy: Please Rouge! Snap out of this corruption! We know your better than this!

Fashion Freak: [Evilly] I'm not Rouge! I'm Fashion Freak! And no one will stop me from finishing up my Prick Outfit!

Amy: You should go and hide somewhere, Earnest! [Earnest runs away as Team Forces fight Fashion Freak]

Fashion Freak: [Evilly] Since my weak little demons can't defeat you guys, then I'll just have to take you guys on myself! [They continue fighting]

Amy: The corruption must be in her staff! Let's try to grab it!

Charmy: [Tries to grab Fashion Freak's staff, but gets hit by one of the glitter grenades] Ah!

Fashion Freak: [Points her staff towards Team Forces] Do you guys really think you can defeat me?! You might as well give up now and give me your medallions!

Knuckles: Says the one who can't even defeat us with her little goons!

Fashion Freak: [Growls as she tries to hit Knuckles with her staff, but she misses. Espio then sneaks behind her and steals some of her thread and ties her up in it. Amy then takes her staff away and breaks it, letting out the corruption]

Amy: Alright you guys! Power up! [Team Forces start to float as the rainbow lazer frees The Nature Essences and Kat (Who is not part of The Nature Essences in case you were confused), making the demon creatures disappear, destroys the corruption and turns Fashion Freak back into Rouge]

Rouge: W-what happened?

Espio: [Walks over to Rouge] Come on. Let's take you back to the dressing room so you can rest a bit.

Rouge: Thanks you guys. [Stands up and walks back to the dressing room with the team]

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