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Julia pov

i looked down at my food pocking it with my fork as miles and michel ate their foods, i didn't feel like eating or doing anything at this moment, my mind was fill with thoughts and questions

but my thoughts quickly went to the day me and miles had a small talk, as much as i didn't want to think of it, i did, and i think i finally got my answer, i slowly placed my fork down looking up at miles who was talking to michel

i didn't know how to start the conversation again

my thoughts stopped me from even talking as i thought about that day and looking for my next words

miles smiled as i entered his office right after he called me, i narrowed my eyes before taking my seat in front of his desk, i looked up at miles who turned off his phone and made eye contacts with me

"did they tell you?" he asked me as i had no clue what he was talking about making me shake my head 'no'

miles groaned slamming his fist on his desk before sighing and looking back at me

"why did you call me?" i quickly asked him

"we're getting married" he let out making me wide my eyes and shake my head, i got up from the chair, i never wanted to do this "that's if" he started as i looked back at him "if you want to, for the mafia" he finished

i let a sigh of relief knowing they weren't forcing me at least

"what if i don't want to?" i asked curiously

"then you don't have to, but you'll have to find your own place as i find someone else to replace you" he stated like it was nothing

"is this necessary for the mafia?" i asked. he nodded

"at this time of my age i need a wife already so she'll take over the mafia in case if anything happens." he said as i narrowed my eyes "and it'll be perfect for the world and other mafias to know we're getting married and how power we'll be, just imagine" he said as i gave him a confused look

"but there will be no love there" i said stating the facts, there isn't no love between us anymore "and isn't michel supposed to take over?" i asked

"michel gave his spot for me, and there will always be love, if we wanted to" he shrugged before getting up and making his way around his desk to me, he faced me as he stood in front of me now "so?" he waited for my answer that i never had

"can i think about it?" i questioned, he gulp before nodding his head and heading to the door

"ok. sure"

after that i completely forgot about that conversation until now, and i had my answer, i looked towards miles who kept eating his food as he kept talking to michel, i didn't want to interrupt so i waited for them to finished their conversation

but they just never stopped talking, i cleared my throat catching their attentions instead, their heads turned to me as i looked forward at miles

"i finally made my decision" i quickly said, they narrowed their eyes, they were confused  "the marriage" i said bitting the inside of my cheeks

miles face immediately brighten up

"you have your answer?" miles asked as michel leaned back on his chair his arms crossed up to his chest as i slowly nodded

i took a deep breath and tried to get the words out my mouth but it's like something was holding them back for good, i smiled to avoid their eyes on me but it didn't work, they waited for me to say something but i couldn't

i let a sigh

"i'll do it, i'll get married with you" i quietly said looking away from them, although it's like i said it under my breath, they still heard me loud and clear, i finally looked over at them again only to see them with the biggest smirks ever

"great" miles said as his smirk turned into a smile "now i can give you this" miles said as he pulled out a mini box, he opened it and turned it towards me

ima be honest, he had great taste, the ring looked amazing

he pulled it out from the box and grabbed my hand, he looked up at me as he slowly sledded the ring on my finger before bringing my hand up to his lips and leaving a kiss on my knuckles

"the wedding is within a week or less" miles said as i widen my eyes

"a week?" i said in shook

"do you want it sooner?" miles asked chuckling, i shook my head slowly. a week was way too soon

"glad you made the right choice" michel spoke up looking over at me then miles as michel patted miles back "good luck" michel said laughing right after

there was multiple reasons why i agreed to this, and it might be my best plan yet, i'll be able to get my mind off of mattia, i can easily take everything from him, his mafia, his businesses, his company's, only if he dies

and all this just so he'll learn his lesson

"tomorrow you'll go wedding dress shopping" miles said coming over to me

"ok" i said as he cupped my face as he noticed my reaction, miles leaned in to kiss my forehead

"glad to call you my fiancé"

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