Attached || Megumi Fushiguro x Reader

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This POV this time is female!

It was late at night for Y/N she was having trouble sleeping. She couldn't sleep after lots of intense training, she always struggled with her sorcerer powers. It never came naturally to her, aside from that, she is a bit homesick. She has always found solace going outside and being at peace there, to collect her mind. But one of the things as of late, that has been getting her flustered, is one boy, name Megumi Fushiguro... she came her to collect her mind, inside she is collecting butterflies in her stomach.

She suddenly outstretched her body from the laying down position. She stood there, quite dumbfounded, she heard music, but she couldn't decipher if it was from afar or near her. She had shivers down run down her body.


A husky voice alarmed her, it grumbled a bit, followed by footsteps, the sound of the music gets closer.

"What are you doing here so late?"

It was Megumi. He plops down on the grass beside you, where you were sitting it wasn't too far from the sleeping courters.

Y/N was still quite startled... she was gawking at Megumi.


He is here! I thought to myself, hastily trying to scramble the words to speak like I was apart of functioning society. "I can't sleep." I sheepishly laugh at myself scratching the back of my head.

Megumi looked different, kind of tired but at the same time wide awake. He was in his pajamas, just a simple black tee and some baggy joggers. "Well this isn't me being sarcastic but I feel like you'll have a better chance at sleeping if... you know you were in your room."

I laugh a bit, "You're probably right."

He probably came out here to check on me... I began to get up, letting those thoughts go, as I took a few steps my heart fluttered a bit, I wanted this moment to last a bit longer, I rarely get to have time along with him. Even if it's just a simple crush. That will.. most likely go unrequited.

As I turn in the other direction, I feel something grab onto me, I shifted my head to see Megumi looking up at me, a bit annoyed. "I didn't come all the way out here just for you to leave."

... Huh? Wait. He tugs on me a bit harder this time, causing me to plop back down onto the grass. I couldn't help but to notice the distance between him and I lessen. My heart flutters more.

I know I shouldn't be having these sort of feelings, yes it's normal to feel these sort of feelings when you're a teenaged girl, just experiencing a crush, but it's different when you're a jujutsu sorcerer. This is why I choose to let my crush for Megumi not stain my heart as much as it does. I cannot get attached, I fear getting attached to him, because any day, or any second, we may drift apart. The missions we go on to, gets dangerous as time goes on, and the foes we face seem to get more smarter, cunning, and dangerous as time goes on. Not to mention Sukuna...

I am troubled, I don't know what to do, a girl like me shouldn't be in this sort of situation, but I was born into this, born into being a jujutsu sorcerer.

"You know." Megumi speaks up, his voice was low, but I can feel his cool breath hit against my skin, "You have this look on your face, when you're thinking..." he drifts off, we stare into each others eyes, I get lost into his. "You look like you're constipated." He finishes his sentence, and I couldn't help but to drop my soft expression.

I shot back up angrily, looking down at him, giving him an expressed sigh. I was about to storm away, until he yanked me again, with much more force this time. And, I was in his arms. His arms developed around my body, as if he wanted to shield me, I felt him sleep his earplug into one of my ears. "Just... stay still." he says, his tone was a lot more soft. Alluring.

I heard the music, I didn't recongize any of it, but it was upbeat, something I wouldn't really expect from him.

"I hate to say this, but I think I like you." Megumi says suddenly, my heart dropped, then it began to beat a million times per minute. I felt like it was about to leap out of my chest. I shifted a bit, his eyes met with mine. He wore a frustrated expression. "I--" I was about to speak before he interpreted me, "Please don't say that you like me back, because if you say that you like me, I don't think I'll be able to let you go."

I bit my lip, it trembles a bit, I shouldn't be having these attachments, love in this world, from my perspective as a sorcerer seems so provocative and wrong. "Fushiguro..." I say breathlessly, he eyes me up at down, I hear him curse under his breath.

His hand snakes around behind my neck, he leans forward ... kisses me. His lips were on mine, and it felt so... wonderful. Like all the anxiety I had just, dissipated, even if it was just for this small second. His kiss was sweet, and gentle.

He lets go, we stare at each other again. "Your eyes told me.." he caresses my cheek, I leaned my head onto his hand.

This new attachment, wasn't gone unnoticed, it only developed further, into the night, we cuddled and kiss.

And just for a moment it felt like we were normal high school students, in a ordinary world, with not too many worries.

I felt so safe in his arms.

"I won't let you go."

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