This is Love || Nanami & Gojo x Reader

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Since this has been popular and with a few requests, I decided to add another part. Also there's 2 other parts to this oneshot, but you could start anywhere honestly.


What is he doing to me? How is he doing this to me? I don't understand, how he can make my heart feel this way. Both so at ease but frazzled at the same time.

We were simply watching a movie on T.V, we were cuddling. I was laying down on the couch resting on his stomach as he stroked my back and sometimes he would pull my face to his and kiss me. And sometimes that kiss would last awhile. I swear he knew what he was doing to me. He would tease me, purposefully. But not to toy with me.

He would whisper sweet nothings into my ear, and during these moments he let his guard down and I could see him. His smile, his ruffled up hair, from the lipstick stains on his lips that I left. He hates pops songs but he loves to watch me dance to them.

These past few months with Nanami made me see a lot of possibilities. The confidence I gained in myself, not because of our relationship, but because of realizing my value within myself. And that I should cherish myself, and not stumble down at someone's feet in order to receive some sort of affection that was short lived.

Not only that, when I am with Nanami, how he holds me, and kisses me. It's love, not lustful feeling I would see with Gojo. He only used me to fulfill his desires or feel the emptiness within him, with no consideration for me.

"What are you thinking about?" Nanami's soothing voice tickled my ears, as he lifts me up into his arms and sets me down into his lap. Our eyes meet as I see his soft expression, a small smile illustrated on his face. "Just you." I spoke quietly, caressing his cheek. He rubs his cheek into me taking my hand and kissing it.

"I must admit... I am thinking of you as well." He says shyly, as I see the warmth in his cheeks. "Where you been all my life." He quickly pulls my head into his, as he kisses me passionately. I felt so intoxicated by him, in a good way. He's a love I cannot let go. I felt his passion in the way he touches me, and calls out my name, or even when he scolds me.

~Time skip brought by onigri with salmon~

It was like any other day, busy as usual. Since it was near closing time but near dinner time, people were rushing in and out grabbing a sandwich or a meal to take home. As always I immersed myself into my work. Even then, my mind would wander off thinking of Nanami and what he was doing.

Preparing some meals, I thought of how Nanami knows most about me, my work, where I live, to even my family. Though I don't know these things about him. Even drawing closer to him I don't know much about his life. Most I know that he's a freelancer but he wouldn't expand much on that either.

After the final customers were leaving after I flipped my sign to closed, and pulled down the blinds. I slumped down to the nearest chair I could find and sighed exhaustedly. The peace around me calmed my nerves, I know that Nanami will tell me more about him in time. Right now I just enjoy being with him, seeing him, listening and talking to him. I felt my eyes flutter open and close as my world drawn to a black, I yawned tiredly.

I was slightly unconscious drifting in and out of a sweet daydream about Nanami and I. It wasn't about anything in particular, just us being together. He felt so close, I could even feel him on me, his hand softly caressing my head as he would pull me into a kiss. How he would tenderly kiss me and hold me, making me feel safe in his grasp.

"Teach me how to love you."

I shot up straight, almost stumbling over in my chair, "Gojo get out." I snapped at him, my eyes searching around my cafe until I saw him in the seat parallel from me. "Teach me how to love you." He said again, he looked different but the same coy look he had on his face. But rather he was using that look to mask him, but I don't know what exactly trying to hide. I watched him closely as he got up from the chair, "Gojo... whatever you're thinking of. Just stop and leave." I felt so annoyed, I backed up closer to the door, trying to grasp the handle, once my hand finally wrapped around the handle, I swung the door open. I felt the cold air rush in, as if it was finding something or someone, while I sheltered myself from this sudden cold by standing behind the door. Though I still saw Gojo, standing there. Looking at me, letting the wind rush right past him. He wasn't even fazed by it, I am sure he isn't fazed by a lot of things.

Right now he's doing what he normally does. Toy with me, and let the outcome go his way.

I looked away from him, my hand shook when it grasped the handle. I heard his footsteps come closer and closer, they stopped for a moment, and I did feel his eyes stain into me, and his smell that sent my head into a spin. Anything about him just took me back to those times when he would use me and manipulate my feelings. Soon after though, he walked away, I felt my hand yanked out from the handle, hearing the door slam. I peeped my eyes open seeing that Gojo is gone.

NORMAL POV - (warning: some mature content)

After Gojo left Y/N's cafe he wandered aimlessly in the streets before settling himself into a bar he would frequent in the same neighborhood as Y/N's cafe.

When he entered the bar, it wasn't anyone around besides him and the bartender. The quiet jazz couldn't do much to calm him, even the stinging sensation of the whisky he drank didn't do him much either.

His mind was on Y/N, and nothing else.

He spent a few hours in there, some people came in and out, a few couples even that he would glance at in jealousy. A few woman passed by him and swooned over him. But he ignored every one. After drowning out an entire bottle of sake and a few shots of whisky. He finally felt numb.

"Let's take you back to the school." Nanami Kento walked into the bar, loosening his tie. He sat beside Gojo as the bartender asked what he wanted, "Just oolong tea." He said calmly as Gojo snickers at him, "What no booze? Laaaame~" Gojo slurred his words as he squirmed around in the stool he sat in.

"I'm supposed to be driving Y/N home, but you're making me go into overtime." Nanami definitely sounded annoyed.

Gojo peaks an eye before focusing on Nanami's tie. "That's not your normal tie." Gojo would raise his hand trying to grab it before Nanami smacks his hand down. "Y/N chose it." Nanami simply states, he was well composed and sipped on his tea. "She's great ain't she?" Gojo laughs sheepishly taking another shot of whisky, "She's so cute." Gojo coos.

"I miss her..." He smashed the shot glass onto the bar table, letting his nails dig into the table. "I miss her, her smell, those eyes... those lips." Gojo pours another shot into his glass, as he spoke while Nanami just listened.

"Though... what I miss the most is tasting that sweet pussy of hers." Gojo whispers those words into Nanami's ears, it was evident Gojo was doing his best to get Nanami pissed, and little by little it was working.

"Maaan~ I miss fucking her, she could go multiple times a day. She's so cute when she's all submissive." Gojo sneered at Nanami as he would roll his shot glass from side to side as his bottle of whisky was empty.

"I'm guessing you two fucked a lot right?" Gojo asks.

Nanami doesn't say anything.

"Whaaaat, don't tell me the last dick that was inside her was me?" Gojo was definitely drunk, but not hammered to the point where he didn't know the weight of what he was saying. Even so, Nanami remained unfazed by it all, he kept on checking his watch for the time and drinking his tea.

"However, even with all of that. I love to watch her sleep. So defenseless. Easy prey." Gojo snaps his head backwards, cackling a little, "You should really start coming to her cafe much earlier when she closes..." Gojo pauses for a moment looking directly at Nanami. "....or else I don't know what I'll do the next time I see her."

Nanami takes one last gulp of his tea before setting it down back down, he stands up himself too, cracking his neck. He stood there for a few seconds, before his own fist plummets down into Gojo's face. Causing the jujutsu sorcerer to fall onto the floor. Nanami takes a few steps forward towards Gojo, towering over him, the ex-salaryman fixes his tie as he looked down at Gojo.

"The difference between you and is that, I don't fuck Y/N. I make love to her. She loves me unconditionally, and I do the same." Nanami reaches for his wallet and sets down money onto the bar table. "Take yourself home." He starts walking towards the door grabbing the handle, swinging the door open, letting the same cold air rush towards Gojo as Y/N did before. "Also stay away from Y/N. I mean it." He slams the door behind him.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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