Checkmate || Sukuna x Reader

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Hey all I wrote this one up while listening to this playlist! 

Call it weird, but this is your current predicament. You're a teacher at Jujutsu Tech the Tokyo school. Less of a teacher and more of a guidance counselor, teaching was more of Gojo's thing. You had trouble enforcing rules when crucially needed to, you're much more of a nurturing adult rather than the assertive adult. Hence why you're current predicament is weird.

You, above anyone else, has captured the eyes of the lord of curses himself Sukuna. How you did it? You don't know. You were simply doing paperwork in your office, than wham he's there, peering over you, not in any sort of domineering way, but more, he acted intrigued. Ever since then, he would appear at random.

Though you need to keep in your head straight.


I clasped my hand over my mouth keeping myself from yawning so loud. I settled into my office, it was a early morning, the students are most likely still asleep, or preparing for the day. Gojo and I usually tag team when it comes to teaching, but honestly I don't feel like doing anything. It's Friday and I just want to sleep. My part-time jobs have been getting worse and worse. Not to mention a certain someone hasn't been living me alone since that day.

It wasn't too long ago when Sukuna and I first met. Itadori lost control of himself, and his anger overwhelmed him, Sukuna took his place, luckily it happened on school grounds. I didn't want calamity to struck so I did what I had to do.

"Domain expansion." I put my hands together into a diamond, and uttered those words. My cursed energy isn't on par with Gojo, but I can make do. Though like any domain expansions, it costs a lot of my cursed energy, even if my power is amplified. I may have acted rash in doing this. But. Sukuna was going off on a tangent about causing chaos, that he didn't notice that he was inside my domain expansion until he looked around. Unlike most domains, mine doesn't have any fancy charms to it, it's more so about putting off the target. It's more of aesthetics.

"A incomplete domain."

He noticed.

"If you wanted to attack me you wouldn't be able to, because of all your cursed energy is mostly used up." He had this domineering voice towards me, though he was still looking away from me. He looks around, peering around the domain, "A wisteria tree." It was at the center of the domain, covered by a open field of lush green grace. The air feels pure, but with Sukuna here you could almost see the darkening aura.

He turns around, our eyes meet. His cocky smile drops a second later. We just stand there, staring at one another, "I could kill you where you stand." I chuckle under my breath, his comment breaks the ice, "Please, end my suffering." I joke lightly, slightly annoyed, I ran my hand through my hair, "Listen, I only did this to make you stop from whatever you were about to do, for now just switch back with Itadori."

He crosses his arms over his chest, "And what makes you think I'll do that." He suddenly appears right before me, looming over me, he's tall, I had to seriously stretch back my head to lookup at him. His breath touched my skin, "I could kill you. Aren't you afraid?"

I stare back at him, it was like he was challenging me "And if you did kill me, your plans would've been foiled, won't they?"

He raises a brow, his head leaning in closer to mine, he chuckles back at me, it was low and deep, "If you were to kill me, my grandmother would come after to you."

"...Y--your grandmother." He stumbles over his words, taken aback.

"Yeah she is quite a formidable foe, she'll feed you until you're stuffed but if you cross her, she'll send you to the hills."

And that's how we met, nothing really happened after that, he switched back with Itadori almost seamlessly, though before going he said he'll be seeing me a lot more. And he kept up with that promise.

Almost every few days he would just appear, looming over me, sometimes he would also appear when I would be walking home at night. The more I saw him the more, weirdly attracted I became of him. I did my best to hide it, albeit it's weird, and just, unlawful in every way. He's literally the devil.

Fushiguro told me about his fight with Sukuna, during one of our discussions that I require my students to have done after such a traumatic experience. He told me about how Sukuna was more of analyzing him and the way he fought rather than trying to kill him.

Sukuna intrigued me, he's more than definitely a person that only thinks for himself, yet at times not as self-centered when he's around me.

I sigh to myself, slamming my head to my desk. I stayed like that for a few seconds, before the hairs on my back stood up, hands planted themselves over my eyes. I jolted up from my desk, "Guess who." I squirmed around, but Sukuna already had me captured in his grasp. "Guess who." He repeats myself, and I sigh exhaustedly, with a groan between that sigh. "Anpanman." He grumbles. Letting me go.

The more time I've spent with Sukuna was almost always in secret. Gojo began to suspect but sometimes he can be an airhead and not notice the obvious, especially when Itadori would dip out from training sessions suddenly. "Do you need something?" I ask, as I look at him, and then I took a double take. "H--HEY! WHERE'S YOUR SHIRT!?" I stuttered over my words, blushing through my cheeks, even if it wasn't visible. I couldn't help but to sneak glances at his figure. "SHIRT! SHIRT! SHIRT!" I repeated over and over, and all he did was just look at me, a smirk plastered on his face, his hands in his pockets.

"You're cute when your angry." He says, cooing at me, getting closer to me, hovering over me as always, "I will bite you." I said gritting my teeth trying to remain my composure. He got behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist, that's where I elbowed him. "Do it." He whispered into my ear, and that's where I lost it, I almost collapsed onto my knees, but Sukuna caught me, "Careful don't fall."

I turned around to face him, a smirk still on his face, he loves to toy with me, especially tease me for his own enjoyment, that's just who he is, and who he'll always be.

"You can let your guard down around me you know." I said that without thinking, I physically felt my body begin to shake as soon as I said that, I had to think about what to do now, how he would react. Maybe it was just me thinking that someway, Sukuna is still human in there, somewhere in that soul that is drowned out of any emotion. His arm from my waist snaked up to my cheeks, he coupled my right cheek, turning it towards him. "I can feel you shaking..." he says softly, my mind was a blank, "You're afraid." He continues holding onto my cheek, and looking intently into my eyes. "

I opened my mouth to say something, then again, my breath was taken away, I couldn't really say or do anything, frozen. Our noses brushed against each other, and before I could react, his lips touched mine. It wasn't a light and sweet, but passionate, hungrily, with a bit of lustful all sprinkled in.

He finally pulled away, from a kiss that felt like lasted a eternity, he licked his lips, his smirk reformed back on his lips. He held onto me not letting me go. This was his game and I was all but a piece in his little board game. Checkmate, he got me.

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