Chapter 8

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    Ash ran deep into the woods crying not wanting to be around anyone as she was in this vulnerable state. "I can't believe I was such a fool!" She yelled out. Ash stopped running and looked out of nowhere seeing nothing, but trees, bushes, and hell squirrels etc. "When will I learn that love for me is hopeless?" She asked herself as her voice came out in a hushed tone.

    Ash looked down at the fields and saw the dead imps on the ground that were awaiting to be buried. Ash growled in anger and placed her hands on the ground making fire come from her hands spreading the fire out wildly as she growled in anger. The bodies burned into ashes filling the air with the stench of death. She growled and huffed and puffed as she looked out into the fields. "Yes, beautiful my daughter. Spread the fire out more so it can kill more." She heard her fathers voice in her head.

    Ash grabbed her head quickly slowly digging her nails into her head letting blood come out of her head. "No I'm not like you, I don't want to be like you. Get out of my head!" She yelled out. The fire was put out within an instant making her sigh, getting up from the ground and wrapping her arms around her torso. "Maybe I should head back." She said looking at the field again before turning around heading back to Mille's house.

   After a while of walking she came upon the house and saw the trio packing up the truck. "We are not leaving until we find Ash!" Blitzø yelled out. Ash smiled at this seeing how much he truly cared for her knowing their friendship wasn't fake at all. "I'm here Blitzø. We can leave now." She said, grabbing everyone's attention. Ash heard gasps coming from Mille's parents. "PRINCESS?!?!" The two bowed in fear as she walked closer to them.

   Ash was confused at this and looked down at her attire forgetting that she changed her form before in the house in front of Striker. "Oh shit. No no you don't have to bow. Please get up, it's fine. I'm not like my father." She said, panicking a little bit. "I wonder who else saw me like this. I'm screwed." She thought.

"Princess Ath'tiud if we would have known you were here then we could've made yo-" Ash silenced Mille's mother with her hand. "Oh no please just call me Ash. I enjoyed my stay here so everything is fine. Don't worry about it." She said smiling to Lin and Joe. They both looked at each other and stood back up looking back at her smiling. "Your welcome princess." They said. Ash nodded her head then turned her head looking at Blitzø.

"Can we go home now... please." Blitzø nodded his head smiling. "Well it was nice meeting the people who breed Mille. Keep breeding and send them my way so we can do business. BYE!" He said getting in the van taking off with everyone in it. Ash sat back in her seat looking out the window watching the scenery go by. "Hey Ash are you ok?" Blitzø asked as he saw her leaning on the car door next to him. She smiled once again and looked at him. "I'm fine blitzø. Don't worry. I just can't wait to go home." Blitzø smiled at her then looked at the radio. "Then let's listen to some MUSIC!" He yelled blasting metal music in the car singing along. The three groaned in the back having to listen to his singing while Ash just chuckled at this and looked back outside the window.

As the van drove off Striker looked in the direction of where it was going. He stood up only to be met with pain on the side causing him to groan. "So she was a princess this whole time." He thought. "That would explain why I felt so attached to her. She messed with my head... but why?" Striker was confused and slightly saddened by this.

  He walked far away from the house and whistled for his horse to come and get him. "Come on, bombproof , let's go." He mounted his steed and took off. He made it to the motel he was staying at. Striker hopped off his steed and went inside to make a call to his client. "I failed to kill the target at the festival, but don't worry ma'am it won't happen again." He said to his client on the phone.
    "It's better not." The woman's voice on the other line. "I want this cheating prick. I don't care who you have to go through. make it happen!" She yelled.
"Understood." He replied back hanging up the phone. "I'll get him next time." He sat back in the chair he was in looking up at the Ceiling in deep thought. "Tch she must've known that I was an assassin and that I was out to get her friend, but how? She seemed so surprised back in that room." He mumbled to himself thinking back.

   "What they're saying is true?" He heard her voice echo in his head. "So you were gonna kill me?" "What?" "So you were gonna kill me!"  "I thought you were different." Striker held his head in pain as he heard her voice echo in his head. He grunted getting up from the chair going to the bed. "First I'll kill you then that prince. You seem like you will be the problem for getting my job done anyways princess." He reloaded his pistol that he had then laid back in the bed. "But I'll need that gun in order to do that."

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