Chapter One

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I take a deep breath as I look at my reflection in the mirror. It's not too bad today, just a bit of bruising. But that's nothing a little concealer can't hide. They usually avoid my face. While they might not like me, they don't want to go to jail so I guess they've gotten pretty good at focusing on more easily concealed areas. It helps that we live in Washington state where it's always cold and gloomy so no one really notices if I wear long sleeves every day.

Sighing, I make my way down stairs. I only have an hour before they wake up and if I don't have breakfast ready there will be hell to pay.

Quietly getting out a pan, I start making french toast. Some might say that it's torture, making your favorite food when you know you won't be allowed to eat it, but there's just something comforting about the smell of your favorite food. It's hard to explain but I don't even mind anymore. I'm not hungry anyways. I think that my stomach just shrunk over the years and well food just isn't that appetizing. Don't get me wrong, I don't refuse food if it's offered, I'm not an idiot. I know that I have to eat, but I just don't go out of my way for food.

Making breakfast didn't take too long, I've gotten pretty good at cooking and I actually quite enjoy it. I set it out on the table along with some cold beer from the fridge before grabbing an apple and going off to school.

The walk isn't too bad, I just listen to music on the old ipod my only friend gave me. It's my most prized possession. Music just has this ability to make you forget about all the bad things in your life for just a minute. Kind of like reading. I read whenever I get the chance. Losing yourself in a different world, it's the best feeling.

It only takes me about half an hour to get to school. But by the time I get there, my back is killing me. Rushing to the bathroom, I make sure no one else is there before lifting up my shirt to check my wounds. Crap. The blood had soaked through the bandages. My parents were not particularly gentle last night and I guess it's showing. Carefully I peel the bandages off to look at the marks. That's not good. My dad's belt had hit the wounds from last time, reopening those wounds while making more at the same time.

Wincing at the sting, I try to clean them off as best as I can before pulling new bandages out of my bag. This isn't good, I'm running out and they'll notice if I sneak any more money. I guess I'll just have to make do. Maybe I could wash the bandages and reuse them? Is that even a thing? Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I finish wrapping my back and head to my first class.

The bruises and cuts everywhere else, thankfully, weren't worsened last night so they should be good until I get home.

I silently take my seat thanking the lord that I was able to get here on time today. I have way too many tardies as it is. Thankfully, my first period teacher, Ms. White, is a very chill teacher. I doubt she even takes attendance. She's pretty fun too. That might just be my bias speaking though because english is my favorite subject .

At lunch, I look around for my one and only friend. We don't know each other super well, but we know each other well enough. She's the only thing keeping me going. I don't really have anything else going for me and I know for a fact there's no way I'm getting out of my house. I've tried that before. It never ends well. All I have is my daily interactions with Isabelle, where I can pretend for just a second that I'm a normal teenager with normal teenager problems.

After searching for a few more minutes, I realize that she's not here today. So much for a break from reality. It's fine though. I'll just sit in my corner and read until the bell rings. Pulling out my worn copy of Peter Pan, I start to read. I pretty much have the whole book memorized by now.

The rest of the day passes fairly quickly and soon enough I'm walking back out the doors heading home. Walking as fast as I can, I manage to cut the time from half an hour down to twenty minutes. The sooner I get home, the better my chances of avoiding them are.

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