Chapter Seven

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Peter's POV

If there's one thing I know, it's that Peter Pan never fails. I will break this girl. I will figure out why she's here. My shadow is very intent on her staying, I've never seen it so determined. I want to know why. I sure didn't tell it to bring her here. Girls don't belong on Neverland, they are too weak and emotional, they can't handle all of Neverland's glory. Wendy proved that point, she's such a whiny little brat. But I'm not sending her back. That would send the wrong idea. People would think they could actually leave. Besides, everyone can be used for something. Wendy happens to be good motivation for her brothers.

This girl seems different though. It's not just that she's ten times more beautiful than any other girl I've ever seen, she's intriguing and she has something about her, I can't put my finger on it, but there's something about her that just draws me in. I want to know all of her secrets. And those eyes of hers, they truly are stunning. They only seem to come out when she's upset. It truly is fun, provoking her and seeing if you can get a reaction out of her.

She could be useful. Maybe. Once I'm sure she hasn't been sent by someone I might investigate her more. I don't care about her but I'm not wasteful. If she could be useful there's no point in killing her but if she's not, I'd have no problem feeding her to the mermaids. It technically wouldn't even go against the shadow's wishes; she'll still be on the island, she just wouldn't ever be able to leave.

I'm going to enjoy seeing just how long it takes for her to break.

Zillah's POV

The night passes slowly, filled with nightmares and boredom. It's been a long time since I've had nothing to do. There's nothing to do in this stupid thing other than sit and think. It's a dangerous thing for me, to leave me with my thoughts is like leaving a pack of hungry wolves alone with a young child, I stand no chance against the terrors of my own mind.

Pan comes back once the sun rises. He brings another bowl of something delicious and makes sure that he's placing it close enough to the cage that I can smell the food. My mouth instantly waters, it's been several days since I've eaten, but he doesn't need to know that so I make sure to keep a straight face and ignore the food. He's not going to win that easily.

Taking his time, he slowly walks around so that he's directly in my line of sight, smirking at the glare I give him before I turn my body so I don't have to look at his obnoxiously gorgeous face. I mean seriously, why does he have to be so hot? It would be so much easier to ignore him and all his snarky little comments if he was ugly but no, he has to make my heart flutter every time he talks with that perfect accent of his.

"Come on, don't be like that love, you know it doesn't have to be this way. I'd be happy to let you out and get some food in that stomach of yours if you'd just answer my questions." His voice is soft, persuasive but deadly. I can tell he doesn't give one flying crap about me. He only cares about himself.

"I could show you all the wonders of Neverland! You could see the mermaids and meet the fairies." He tries. I scoff, as if I'd believe all that magic crap.

"You must take me for a fool Pan. I don't know what kind of messed up world you've tricked all those boys into believing, but you can't bribe me with something I know is fake. First off, you can't really expect me to believe that magic is real, and second, even if it was, do you really think I'd trust you to let me out so I can go off braiding hair with mermaids? No, I don't think you would." I respond with a bored tone.

"Oh ho, so she does speak! Here I thought you had gone mute." He smirks, knowing that he was bugging me.

"Yeah, I have what you'd call selective mutism; I don't talk to idiots."

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