Chapter Fifteen

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"He's fine." Felix says soothingly. "You didn't hurt him. I was right there the whole time. It was actually pretty remarkable. You pushed him away with a sleeping spell. I've already checked on him."

"I did? He's ok?" I ask in relief. "I don't know what I'd do if I had hurt him."

"Oh really?" Felix drawls. "I thought you hated him. That he was the last person on earth you'd care about" He teases, laughing at the glare I send him.

"He's not mad is he?" I ask tentatively.

"How would I know? He's still asleep. So I guess that means you'll have to ask him yourself." Felix says with a smirk. "Maybe true love's kiss will wake him up." We both look at each other, amusement fills his eyes while my entire face is bright red. The eye contact lasts for all of three seconds before we bust out laughing hysterically.

"Oh my god, c-could you imagine? Pan and M-me? Together?" I ask, trying to get words out between my bursts of laughter.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, he's hot and all, but-" I can feel the ramble coming but a familiar deep voice cuts me off.

"Oh really? You think I'm hot?" Pan's devilish voice is full of humor. He's clearly enjoying this too much.

I am convinced that my face has become a tomato. I'm not even red as one, I am one. Never in a million years did I think that Pan would catch me admitting that he's hot. At least I didn't go into detail.

"Cat got your tongue princess?" Felix taunts, fully aware that I am incapable of speech at this specific moment in time.

Spinning around, I plan on waltzing away from the whole conversation, but I'm instantly caught in Pan's arms. Of course, as soon as I can feel his hard chest pressing against my back, any hope of regaining my voice disappears.

"You weren't going to leave so soon now, were you, love?" I can feel his breath on my ear and his words send shivers down my spine. The good kind though. "Not when we have so much to talk about."

I try to find the will to break free from his hold. I don't want to have this conversation. I'd rather just stay here in his arms all day. I think, making my own face blush even harder.

"That can be arranged." Pan says right in my ear, his grip tightening just enough to where I am perfectly aware of the strong arms around my middle, but still loose enough that there's no chance of hurting me.

"I didn't say that out loud did I?" I ask quietly, hoping and praying to any gods that are out there that I didn't say it out loud, in front of Pan.

"You did." He smirks. I can feel the smirk in his voice. "As much as I love to see that blush of yours, you don't have to be embarrassed, love. It's pretty cute."

Pan thinks I'm cute. He also heard me admit that he's hot. What is happening right now? My thoughts are absolutely racing and I have zero control over them at this point in time. Is he playing with me? I mean, obviously he is, right? He couldn't like me that way. No one could, right? Jeez, I gotta talk to Sera, she'll know what to do. Maybe-

Pan spins me around, not letting go for a single minute, so that I am facing him. Looking up into his deep emerald eyes, any chance I had at trying to communicate is long gone. I can see just how much fun he's having with this. But as I'm spinning towards him, something changes. He looks me up and down, his eyes landing on my arms. You know, the ones that are still out in the open.

"Would you care to explain this to me, love? I'm assuming this is the cause of that display out there." His eyes narrow and harden as he examines my scars.

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