Chapter Five

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"Welcome to Neverland boy." A low, almost rough voice wakes me. Confused, I look around. A tall, lanky boy with a hood over his head is leaning against a tree several feet away from me. He must be the one who woke me, but where's the boy he's talking about?

"Hey, I don't know who you're talking to, but did you say Neverland?" I ask him, before getting up warily. I might not want to be alive right now but that doesn't mean that I want to be kidnapped by some weirdo in ragged clothes. Seriously, it looks like something people would have worn hundreds of years ago, has he never heard of jeans?

"Well, I'm talking to you, but I guess I got the boy part wrong..." He drawls out. "There's never been a girl on Neverland before. How'd you get here?" He questions, his tone switching from playful to accusatory in mere seconds.

"Not that it's any of your business, but this weird shadow brought me, and you still didn't answer my question. You said Neverland you don't mean like Neverland Neverland, right? Like the one from Peter Pan? With lost boys and pirates and stuff?" I reply, slowly starting to back away as he grins down at me.

"I guess you heard the stories then, that makes this a whole lot easier to explain. Anyways, come along, Pan'll want to meet you."

"No thanks, I mean as fun as that sounds, I don't go with strangers so..." I trail off feeling mildly uncomfortable. I've never been good with conflict but going with him just straight up feels like asking to be kidnapped. I mean he's obviously delusional, Neverland is a children's story. It's not real. Magic isn't real. It can't be.

"Well, I wasn't really asking. Either you come with me or I take you with me. It's your choice." He states walking closer with this look in his eye that sends shivers down my spine.

Turning around, I break into a run trying to put as much distance between me and him as possible. I've never been great at running, especially for long distances, but I'd like to think I'm at least decent at running for a little ways. I don't make it far before my thigh starts throbbing and I'm forced to slow down. I look back over my shoulder to see if he's chasing me, I abruptly stop when I realise I can't see him anywhere. All I can see is the strange forest/jungle. I can't tell which it is because it's on an island and it's like humid and stuff but there's all kinds of different trees and shrubs. It's got to be the strangest island I've ever seen.

Whew, I must have lost him. I think with a grin, Ha, maybe he is right, maybe magic is real. Sighing in relief, I turn back around to try and find somewhere to sit down, maybe a big rock or log or something, but I'm shocked to see him standing right in front of me, not affected by the run (however short it was) at all. I'm over here panting and he's just stood there with this stupid little smirk on his face.

"Giving up so easily girl?" He taunts, his smirk growing when I glare at him. "Now that that's over with, it's time to go. Like I said, Pan will want to see you."

I huff and set my feet firmly in the soil. "I'm not going anywhere with you." I growl. I don't know where this confidence is coming from, I don't argue with people, like ever...

Without hesitation, he bends down and picks me up, swinging me over his shoulder like a freaking sack of potatoes!

"Put me down you big oaf!" I scream, banging my fists against his back.

"I gave you a chance already, you chose to run. Now be quiet." He says as he starts sauntering off into the woods with me dangling over his shoulder spouting off insults left and right.

It only takes me about three minutes before I've run out of insults and decide that ignoring him would be better. It'll give me a chance to watch my surroundings anyways. I'm going to need to if I plan on ever getting away from this crazy-pants who seems to have unlimited amounts of stamina.

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