Chapter Twelve

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It's dark by the time I make it back to Pan's camp. I try to make my way in quietly as it seems they're in the middle of something important. All of the lost boys are seated around a big bonfire and Pan is pacing as he barks out orders. At least, that's what I assume he's saying. He looks stressed, something I never thought I'd say about him, but he looks it now.

I walk closer, trying to stay in the trees so I can remain undetected for as long as possible. I'm not going to lie, it's got me really nervous that Pan is stressed out about something. What could scare him?

I hide myself behind a big tree within hearing distance of the boys and listen carefully, trying to figure out what they're talking about. I know it's technically eavesdropping, but I worry that if I asked what was wrong, they wouldn't tell me.

"It's been three days! Why haven't you found her?" Pan shouts.

Her? There's another girl here? Leaning around the edge of the tree to hear better, I brace myself against one of the branches so I know I won't lose my balance.

"Why do you even care Pan? She's just a girl!" One of the lost boys calls. I don't know his name, but I've seen him around before.

"Are you questioning Pan?" Felix asks menacingly.

"No, of course not, he's just tired. We all are. We've been looking for her for days." Another boy answers.

"What I want with her is my business. Now, I want her found. I want Zillah found and brought to me." Pan commands.

I guess I lean too much of my body weight on the branch when he says my name, because the next thing I know, a loud crack fills the air and I stumble into the clearing where the boys are. All eyes are on me as I struggle to get my balance back.

Pan appears before me in a cloud of smoke, wrapping an arm around my waist to help me stand straight. I look up at him in shock. His arm is on my waist.

"Where were you, love? I've been searching for you." He asks, brushing a stray strand of hair from my face.

I can feel my cheeks turn bright red and I'm grateful for his arm around me because my knees feel like jelly.

"I-I was just with Sera... You were looking for me? I thought..." I trail off at the end, looking down at my toes to try and hide my blush.

Pan tilts my chin up with his fingers, looking me in the eye. "You thought what?"

"Well, I mean, I just thought... I thought that you hated me and now you're being all nice and stuff." I mumble.

He looks deeper into my eyes, it's like he's trying to see my soul or something. His fingers on my chin shift so that his thumb can brush against my cheek. It sends shivers down my spine but not in a bad way. My cheeks are burning and I can feel my blush spreading down my neck. It's times like these when I'm grateful for my hoodie, it covers a lot so I don't have to worry about being even more embarrassed.

Why do I feel like this? We're supposed to hate each other. I mean yeah, he's insanely hot, but he's not supposed to be nice to me-

I'm brought out of my thoughts by Pan's next words, "I don't hate you, love. I was merely being cautious. You intrigue me." He whispers, my breath catching as he strokes the skin next to my eyes. I can see the reflection of purple light across his skin, telling me that my eyes must be glowing.

I stare into Pan's eyes for another second before stepping back. I can't fall into this trap. I don't know what it is that he's doing, but it must be some kind of game. He couldn't possibly like me.

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