Wake up Sonic! •part 2•

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•Sorry it took so long, -3-' but here it is :3•

Amy's POV
I wake up to see the sun shining in through my window. The birds chirping a nice cool day. I stretch all of my limbs and take a nice warm shower. I get out of the shower to brush my teeth, brush out my hair, and curl it when I notice my eyes are a little red.

You know it was all your fault...
No it wasn't!
Yes it was they fought over you..
Stop that!
You know this don't fight it...
I'm not gonna listen to you!
Forget you!

I walk back downstairs to go eat breakfast. I cook some pancakes and bacon. When I hear a knock on the door. I run to the front door.

Me: Who is it?

Cream: Cream!

Me: :opens the door: Hi cream!

Cream: Hi Amy!

Me: What brings you here?

Cream: We were gonna go to the mall remember?

I almost forgot! I need to stop worrying!

Me: I'm sorry cream! But ya I remember!

Cream: Is there something bothering you Amy?

Me: No, just thinking as all..

Cream: Well don't stress your self over it ok? You need to relax!

Me: Ok, ok. I won't stress my self over it.

Cream: Well get moving!

Amy: Ok be right back. :runs upstairs:
Hmm.. Let's see... :looks through closet: Found it! :picks up a light blue crop top with a black mini skirt with black flats: Purrfect!

I put on the outfit and top it off with a light blue headband and light blue eye shadow.

Me: I think this looks well.. But it needs something.. I know! :curls hair: That's better..Here I come Cream!

Cream: Ok!

I run downstairs and grab my phone on the way out

Cream: Wow! We're just going to the mall! You trying to impress someone special?

Me: No! I just chose an outfit is all.

Cream: Suree.. Anyway, let's get going!

Me: Ok! :walks to car with Cream:

Cream: You know your trying to impress someone, just admit it :3

Me: Creeam! I'm not trying to impress anyone! :slightly blushes:

Cream: Then why are you blushing ;3

Me: I'm not! :blushing bright red:

Cream: Proves my point!

Me: Can we just drop the subject please, I don't really want to talk about it.. :still blushing:

Cream: Ok, but we're talking about it later.

Me: :sigh: Ok..

Cream: Anyway, what happened between Sonic and Shadow?

Hearing this makes me on the break of tears

Me: T-they w-were fighi-ing o-over... :tears up:

Cream: Amy?

Me: They were fighting over me! :tears fall like a waterfall and ears flop down: All because of me! All my fault!

Cream: Not it wasn't don't say that!

Me: I'm telling the truth! It's because of me they fought! If hadn't of came then they would be ok right now! :still crying with ears down:

I told you..
Shut up!
I was right you were wrong..
All because of you Shadow and Sonic are in the hospital..
No No No!

Me: :covers ears: It's my fault!!

Cream: Amy calm down! It wasn't your fault!!

Me: :crys even more with ears down and holding them down: Why do I live?! I'm a waste!

Cream: Amy!? What's gotten into you!?

Even she doesn't like you anymore..
Yes she does!
Just let me free..
No your a monster!
Let me out..
Let me put please..
:sigh: Ok, but don't hurt anyone!
Hehe, Ok..

Cream POV (yay!)

Me: Amy!

Then I notice how she looks. She has a dark aura around her and her eyes are a darker shade of emerald.

Me: Amy?

Amy: Your friend not here..

Me: Huh?

Amy: :giggles: She didn't tell you did she?

Me: Tell me what?

Amy: She has a dark side..

Cream: What..? What did u do to her?!

Amy: I've done nothing, I've only talked yet that's not even the worst I can do..

Sonic's POV
Where am I?
Your in your mind..
Who said that?
Your consciousness..
Am I dead or something?
No your only in a coma, but someone you love is in grave danger
Who is that?
I can't tell you that, but you must try to wake up.
How do I do that?
Figure it out.. :starts to fade:
Remember what I said..:disappears:
Hmm how can I wake up..? And who was he talking about..? Anyway, maybe I can find some..water.. :shivers: Got to find it. :walks around: There is some. :shivers and jumps in:
:hears voices:
I don't think he may be waking up in a while..
That can't be true! He always wakes up! He never dies!
He isn't dead I just said he might not be awake in a while
Isn't that Sonia and Manic?
Yes he will! He always pulls through!
:sigh: I know that I don't need to be reminded.
Why can't I talk?! Let me try opening my eyes. :opens one eye:
Evidently you need to be reminded!
Be quiet before you wake him up!
That's it I'm gonna try to talk.
Guys stop fighting.. :with a hoarse voice:

Sonia: Manic stop playing tricks on me!

Manic: But I didn't!

Me: :opens both eyes: I said stop fighting!

Manic & Sonia: :look at each other:

Me: :sigh: Turn around..

Manic & Sonia: Sonic? :turns around:

Sonia: :eyes go wide: Little bro! :hugs Sonic:

Manic: Hi bro! :walks over:

Me: Hi guys, Long time no see. What's happened while I was gone?

Sonia: Nothing much, but Amy has been depressed..

Me: Why?

Manic: Because she thinks you and Shadow got hurt because of her.

Me: :scratches back of head: Well, it wasn't her fault, but we kind of fought over her..

Manic & Sonia: What?!

Me: :scratches back of head: Ya.. Well that doesn't matter right now. What matters now is that I'm awake.

I have to stop it right here sorry :3

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