The recovery

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My goodness, what has happened in this book •-• There is a chapter missing, for some reason... Anyways to the chapter!

•{Amy's POV}•

I'm so cold.. I feel numb... I can't see.. Wait, is that a light? It is! How much it hurts.. I want to go home...

Amanda appears in the light

Amanda: Sister....

I look and see a hot-pink hedgehog with soft, welcoming eyes, staring back at me.

Me: W-who are you?

Amanda: I am your sister that died in a car accident...

Me: But I don't remember you! :says with teary eyes:

Amanda: I was killed when you were 7 years old.. You wouldn't remember.. You have had memory loss..

Me: Are you here to take away the pain? :looks up hopefully: It hurts so bad..

Amanda: No younger sister, your time is not now. You have to stay strong, your time is a long time away from now.. I need you to wake up for me..

Me: But Amanda how would I do that?

Amanda: Close your eyes and open them. :puts hands over my eyes:

Me: What happens if I don't?

Amanda: You would be in grave danger... Now open your eyes.. :uncovers my eyes:

I open my eyes as I was told. I see a blinding bright light rush out at me. Pain in my head and leg awaken. Instead of listening I try to sit up. Muscles screaming in protest, I manage to sit up a little. I hear voices..

????: Hey.... She.... Amy?

That voice sounds familiar..

????: She.. See.. Now.. I... Awake.. All

I can't open my eyes!

Sorry it's so short! I'm still updating, but here is a little something ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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