The Day They Meet *Part 2*

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*Sonic's POV*
I've got to get away from Manic and quick too. What can get me away from him? Hmm.. I know!

Me: I think I heard someone call me. Ok got to see what they want. Bye! *runs away*

I heard Manic yelling something then I hear him running behind me.

Me: Holy $#¡%

*Amy's POV*

Why did Sonic just run off like that I wander......

Me: Do you guys know what that was all about?

Blaze: Maybe there is a secret to it ^_^

Me: Wanna go snoop around to find out?

Blaze: Sure!

We start of to where we saw Manic and Sonic run off. When we hear voices up ahead.

Me: I think I hear voices up ahead so be cautious *tiptoes up to corner*

Blaze: I hear it as well *follows Amy*

Me: I can make out some of what their saying.. Sonic is saying: What are you talking about? I don't have a secret. And there is someone else talking but I can't tell who is talking...

Blaze: Let me try * moves to corner and listens* There is someone's else there alright but I can't see who it is or we'll be discovered.

Me: Ill try to get a look * peeks around corner* HOLY CRAP!!!

Blaze: Quiet down into they might hear you!

Me: That's Scourge!

Blaze: Who?

Me: The person I'm not supposed to be around anymore! No No *backes away* No Not Going Back! *runs away*

I hear Blaze say something about man or something but I keep running. The next thing I know I'm at the lunch room. I walk up to the boys table.

Me: Have you guys seen Manic and Sonic?

Tails: They just ran out of here not to long ago. Why? Are you looking for them?

Me: Sort of.....

Silver: We haven't seen them since then sorry.

Me: It's ok.

Shadow's POV

Omg she is so beautiful /)^/////^(\

Me: So...... What cause you to come here?

Amy: *pickes up by shirt* You ever ask me that question again I will kill you >:I

She's totally into me ~3~ I know it! She's hiding it ~3~

Me: What ever you say ^/////////^

Amy's POV

Is he flirting with me?!?! WTF?! I don't even know him!

Me: *Slaps shadow* LEAVE ME ALONE!!! *runs away crying*

Shadow: Was it something I said?

I run and run until I get to the girls bathroom and I go in and cry my eyes out. ;~; I hear someone calling my name on the out side so I stick my head out of the door.

Me: Who's out there?

Sonic: Its me *rubbing neck*

Me: Oh hey, hold on* goes back in bathroom*

Sonic: Ok* waits *

I go in the bathroom to wipe off the runny make-up and wash my face.Then I come back out.

Me: You wished to see me?

Sonic: Ya. I wanted to apologize for not being as welcoming as I should have. *still rubbing neck*

Why is he so nervous?

Me: Its ok but I didn't notice that you weren't welcoming.

Sonic: Umm well I got to go so bye *runs off*

Why did he run away from me ;~; come back plz ;~; I just sat there and cryed for about two minutes then I got the runny makeup and walked to the lunch room.I go to the girls table and sit down and put my head down.

Cream: What's wrong Ms.Amy?

Me: Nothing much

Rouge: What's the matter hun?

Me: Some people, is wrong with me

Sally: Who is it we won't tell

Me: Well... It has to do with the reason why I didn't stay at my other school...

Sonia: And..... spit it out

Me: Well I had a boyfriend that was a player and I didn't know he was and I found out the hard way ;~; His name was Scourge and he broke my heard and tryed to... kill and ... I don't want to remember it all ;~;

And just today I think I saw him with Sonic and and ;~; Shadow tryed to flirt with me and Sonic ran from me and I don't know why ;~; *starts to cry*

Everyone: *le gasp*

Blaze: I can ensure you one thing! We are all in this together! And we're will find out!

Everyone: Ya!

Me: Thanks guys! You guys are the best *hugs everyone* But I don't understand one thing, why did sonic run from me and why did shadow flirt with me?

Sonia: I could know the answer to sonic but I need to know what he said.

Me: Well.. I was in the bathroom crying my eyes out when he knocked on the door. I opened it and he said sorry for not being welcoming, but I didn't know that he wasn't. He was very nervous when he was talking to me as well.So I told him that i didn't know that he was and he said " Umm well I gtg bye" and ran from me ;~;

Sonia: Ok here are two possibilities, he either was just doing a dare or something or he likes you.

Me: That helps out a lot thanks Sonia!

Sonia: Your very welcome!

* Sonic's POV*

I shouldn't of ran off like that and I need to say sorry without running away this time. Maybe if I talk to the guys about this they might be able to help me.* runs to lunchroom * When I get there I see Amy crying and with the girls. I wander why I'll find out soon enough. I sit back down at the table and I see shadow staring at Amy. I better watch him -_-' when I get there I see that Manic wasn't there, just when I need him what luck -_-'

Me: Hi guys have you seen Manic?

Silver: No but he left with you remember?

I forgot about that. Where could he of gone?

Me: I know but he didn't come back with me.

Shadow: I haven't seen him but I do see a hot chick ^//////////^

Me: Where?

Shadow: The new girl ^///////////^

Since when does he like Amy?!?!

Me: Since when do you like Amy?

Shadow: Ever since I saw her got a problem?!

Me: Ya actually ya I do.

Silver: He likes the same girl that just threatened to kill him? That dumb.

Shadow: Oh really :I

Me: Bring it on emo :T

That's all for now. Who will win? Will Amy get payback? Find out next time!

My Sonamy StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ