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Kartik got ready and went to airport for his flight to Denmark with Aman

They landed in Denmark and straight went towards the hotel. While going towards the hotel Kartik saw a tragic incident happened in front of him.

Other side..

While Naira was getting late so she was driving fast but she didn't notice that a truck coming towards her got dashed and Naira's car was crashed on the tree she was unconscious at that time.


Kartik saw that and rushed towards the car and he took out naira. When he saw her he was beyond shocked that his naira is in front of him but as soon as he realise that she had met with a accident he took her rushed to the hospital.

Doctor checked Naira and told him that she was getting panic attacks while driving thats why she fainted. She will regain consciousness in max 6 to 7 hours..

He had gone too the room where she was admitted when he saw her he was getting flashbacks that what he had done with her.

Before 5 years..


So it starts from that Naira has started getting in her dance academy as it was not progressing so they had too managed events 4 times in a month because of that she was not able to give time to Kartik.

Kartik understands her misery for some time but later he also thought that she had forgotten him . At the mean time one of the receptionist tells him that a girl has come for the interview for his personal sectary.

She came inside and started giving interview.

She was wearing a short knee length dress and her cleavage was visible. Kartik found her attractive and started asking her questions.

Kartik:- So whats your name miss?

Kavya:- Kavya Nanda sir you can call me kavya.

Kartik:- Sweet name. So miss kavya can you tell me why you want a job as my sectary.

Kavya:- Sir actually i am causing a financial problem and none of the company has selected me so i think its my last hope to be here.

Kartik:- How wouldn't they take you . You are beautiful and smart though.

Kavya was blushing while hearing this .

Kartik:- So miss you are selected as my sectary . You have to give my schedule of whole day and manage accounts got it?

Kavya:- Yes sir.

Kartik:- Your cabin is beside me you can start working from now.

Kavya:- Sure sir

Kartik:- Have a good day

Kavya:- You too sir.

Kavya got into her cabin and she was thinking something and speaking in her mind.

Kavya's POV

Wow yaar he is so hot, i couldn't resist much. I want him in my bed as soon as possible. He has money also.


Kartik's POV

Why was i founding her very attractive idk. i was talking to her sweetly too . i haven't talked this much sweetly with anyone else except naira. Lets see.


This much for today. 

Precap:- Flashback continues and short leap..

Hey guys please show some love and vote it...


KAIRA FF - HEART APARTS..Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora