Chapter eight : Strangers

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Rick bolted from his room barefooted as he heard Andrea shouting at someone outside now. He had his python in his hand. Abraham had exitted his room as well, shirtless and aiming his rifle at the man who stood alone in the middle of the parking lot below. Rick shared a look of confusion with Andrea now.

"He says he wants to talk to /you/ ....knows you by name.. " Andrea said now, her voice tensed up, her body ready for the fight. 

Rick just frowns as he stood beside Andrea looking down at the man. He was a slender figure, brown hair neatly organized atop his head. His hands were in the air as a peace offering, but that didn't mean shit to Rick.

"How do you know me? " Rick bellowed down to him, not in the mood for games now. The last time they found people, their people died.

"My name is Aaron... Im not here to fight..I don't have any weapons..seriously just want to talk. Cool?" he sounded like one of those used car salesmen that would do anything to get you driving off the lot in a car.

"You didn't answer me.. " Rick said angrily, he descending the stairs slowly along with Abraham. Approaching the man with extreme caution. Andrea still having her rifle aimed at the mans head.

"Where did you come from... Have you been watching us?! " Rick hissed at the man as he patted him down for weapons now.

"Full disclosure?...yep...but I was just listening to you guys talk.. But just to make sure you guys weren't dangerous or anything. " Aaron flashed a sincere smile at them now.

Rick and Abraham shared a look, then Rick growled swinging his fist and hitting Aaron square in the face. He swaying for a second before crumpling to the ground.

Abraham grunted frowning at Rick "That was not a, let's knock him out, look. It was a, he seems like an okay guy, look. "

Rick just sighed shaking his head "Doesn't matter now... Bring some rope and lets tie him up.. " He was not about to take any more chances now especially those that concerned the well being of his group. His family.

Helping Abraham carrying the unconscious, bound man up the stairs and to an empty room. He shared a brief look with Andrea now. After leaving Abraham to watch the man he went back onto the balcony to Andrea.

"What's your take on this guy?" Rick asked her straight forward.

Andrea sighed once glancing around "He seems okay... And he told the truth, you checked him. He didn't have any weapons. If it was a big group wanting fight, we'd be in the middle of it by now.. " she chewed on her bottom lip "...but it is a bit creepy that he's been listening to us talk.. "

Rick nodded several times "Okay..I understand that... I agree.. If they wanted a fight , they  would have responded when I hit him.. " he mutters now shaking his hand some as hit throbbed now.

Andrea gave him a stern look "I don't wanna hear you complaining about it if he turns out to be alright. " She smirked lightly at him Now.

Rick just rolled his eyes ans began back to the room where their "guest" was at. "Oh just keep watch Harrison. "

"You've got to be kidding.. " Rick said slightly dumbfounded as everyone from his group was surrounding Aaron in the small room.

"No, it is all the truth Rick...Alexandria is a haven for people like you... And we need people like you.. People who know how to survive.. " Aaron smiled lightly despite the bruise forming on his face now.

Rick just shook his head slowly now, it all seemed too good to be true now. Especially after everything that has happened.

He then turned to Abraham "What do you think? "

Abraham scoffed "I hate to fucking admit it, but I guess Eugene was halfway right...we're this close and we've found a.. Well a damned town.. "

Rick just nodded slowly then looked to michonne Now "And you? "

"He's no governor I can tell that much for sure.  " she said in her monotone voice.

Lastly he looked to Andrea now

"I say we go..  He seems like a nice guy. And if he's lying well, he's got bigger ball's then Eugene then .."

Most chuckled lightly at her comment concerning Eugene and lying. Rick then turned to Aaron now "Get some rest... We leave in an hour.. "

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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