Chapter Five : Maybe a little fun

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That day after Rick returned,he called a meeting with Andrea, Abraham and Michonne.

Rick for some reason had not been able to keep his eyes off of Andrea that entire day. Nor the night before. As he had laid in his tent beside a sleeping carl, who clung to Rick as if is life depended on it, all he thought of before he slept was Andreas soft lips against his. He had not kissed a woman since Lori, and that was many many months ago. He wouldn't admit it to her yet but he had dreamt about kissing her for some time now. Whereas most women now needed a man to protect them, Andrea didn't. She was her own protection. Hell sometimes rick needed her to protect him. Yet another thing he would /never/ admit to. Even as he slept he dreamt of her. Just kissing her. Nothing else. He kissed her tenderly each time he saw her. Not needing words ever to express his feelings towards her. But sadly the dream ended as morning rose with the sun.

"Alright....we need to make a detour to a possible subdivision or some sort of stable place... Im no weather man, but I think a bad storm is gonna hit soon. It's been way too hot for this northern area... "

Rick sighed glancing around, not really sure how the others would tell, everyone here was from the southern states. None of them ever experiencing northern weather patterns.

"You're right it has been super...well warm for this time of year... " Andrea finally piped up, adjusting the rifle over her shoulder. Her blonde ponytail glimmering in the unusual bright sun.

"Hell yeah it has... I know back home it'd hit over a hundred then we'd get storms and shit  for a week.. " Abraham said with a grunt. It being warm enough he in just his wife beater and army pants.

"I think holding up somewhere... Just resting for awhile would be good for all of us. " Andrea said now, softly. Offering some sort of comfort. Hell rick couldn't count how many days they had been on the road now. Too long given that. They did need a break. Since there really was not any hope in Washington ....

"Let's start scouting today then....go in teams of two in several different directions.. Any kind of stable structure... Where we could possibly build a fire inside too. " Rick nodded knowing storms up here could go one of two ways.  Either hellish tornadoes and a shit ton of rain, or several fucking feet of freezing snow. Either way they wouldn't last on the side of the highway in tents.

All nodded in agreement at his idea. Rick nodded also "Alright... Andrea will go with me for a few hours... Then Abraham with someone then michonne with someone.. Try not to be gone longer than five hours..don't want anyone getting lost..."

He felt Andreas eyes burning a hole inside of his head once he said she would go with him. He had just said it without thinking really. 

Rick was busy gathering up a backpack of supplies for his and Andreas scouting time. Throwing in some food for them, water, extra ammunition, some first aid minor material just in case. As he had his back turned he felt a tap on his shoulder, turning he was met with Andreas bright blue eyes giving him a look.

"Yes? " Rick asked softly not really sure why she was there.

"Why'd you say I would go with you? " Andrea asked curiosly

Rick didn't respond immediately chewing on his lip as he thought for a good answer "Because I want to keep an eye on you.. " he blurted out quickly, it sounding utterly stupid. Which resulted from a soft chuckle from Andrea. She crossing her arms at him.

"Keep an eye on me? Grimes I can take care of myself you know that. " Andrea gave him a small smirk now, seeing he was speechless by his blunder. She grinned lightly when she saw him blush lightly and duck his head.

"Oh... " Andrea nodded with a small smile before turning away "I'll meet ya by the truck in ten... "

Rick nods clearing his throat "yeah.... Yeah..  "

Rick said a quick goodbye to Carl, leaving him in good care with Maggie and Glenn. He walking to the truck with his backpack on, his hatchet in the loop of his belt. A pistol tucked in his belt as well. He wasn't taking any chances. Seeing Andrea he gave a small smile, she had her own backpack, her rifle in her hands..... And dales hat on. Rick's smile instantly disappeared as he saw it. It was like a knife to the heart. If you kiss someone, usually means you have an attraction towards them... So you don't wear your dead boyfriends hat when around someone you just kissed...

He just shook his head slightly glancing towards the forest "Ready? "

Andrea nodded with a solemn face as the two headed off in search of some sanctuary. 

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