Chapter two: Moving on

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The group remained at Father Gabriels church for several days after the burial of Dale. Abraham repeatedly mentioning Washington and how they needed to get back on their schedule for the sake of the world.

On the third day they began packing up all their supplies, everyone doing something. Gabriel even working with his sleeves rolled up. That made Rick chuckle each time he glanced at the Father. But when his eyes would land on Andrea, who had taken to wearing Dales tan hat now, his heart would sink. Granted he still wore his wedding ring, but it seemed so different. Did people look at him when Lori died, the way he was looking at Andrea now? 

After moving one more bag to the truck outside, Rick went back into the church,  finding Andrea on the front pew with her head down, and her hands folded in her lap. Not wanting to disturb her Rick stood back some, seeing she was praying peaked his curiosity. Why did it seem some of them turned to God when things got /really/ bad?  Yet Gabriel turned to God always. Shaking his head as he thought too much into it Rick moved to sit beside Andrea after he heard her utter an "Amen."

"How are you today? " Rick asked her kindly, he knew they were friends, hell he might be the only one she would open up to.

"I'm... Coping.. " Andrea sighed, looking down as she twiddled her thumbs "'s harder now... Than when I lost Amy. "

Rick sighed looking at her with the utmost sympathy "I am truly sorry...I... I think time will help... Im still working on that myself.. " he sighed now looking down to his wedding ring.

"You still miss her? " Andrea questioned him with her soft voice.

Rick just nodded silently, he didn't want this conversation to be about him, he wanted Andrea to open up.

Andrea just nodded once "I know how you feel then.. " she said weakly before standing up, and walking off to pack up more of their supplies.

The group managed to get all their supplies packed up rather quickly, most wanting to leave the area for good. Staying in one place too long had made them all restless. As they drove away, rick and everyone except for Abraham and Eugene were in the back of the truck. Andrea sat beside Rick with Carl wedged in between them. His son had taking a strong liking to Andrea, guess he just needed someone to act as a mother to him. But hell, Andrea did a damn fine job. She was always so sweet to Carl, helping him with stuff or giving him books. She thought of him first alot,one of the many qualities Rick admired about Andrea.

Rick caught himself staring at her, when she turned to him he just looked away quickly to avoid any confrontation.

At their first pit stop along the highway everyone hopper out to stretch their legs. Maggie ushering Sophia and Carl around to let them play a little.

As Rick glanced at the truck he spoke up "Hey we're closer let's check your signal Eugene..." he began reaching for the bag where the radio was sticking out from

"No.. No. The... Batteries are nearly.. Dead " Eugene quickly walked over trying to grab the radio from rick

"Just a few seconds man.. " Rick frowned at Eugene

"Please... It's.. It's fragile! "

Rick growled as Eugene was pulling at his arm, trying to yank free the radio flew from his hands and clattered to the ground. The back panel coming off.

"Eugene...why isn't the battery in it? "

Rick asked puzzled seeing the empty space. "I... There.. Like I said... It's almost dead... I took it out... " Eugene nervously rubbed the back of his neck. Now Abraham coming over with a pissed look, grabbing Eugene by the collar of his shirt "WAS THERE EVER A FUCKING BATTERY ANYWAYS!? "

Eugene slowly shook his head "No... "

Then all hell broke loose,Arbaham slammed Eugene up against the truck and began punching him "I LET DAMN GOOD MEN DIE FOR YOU,YOU LYING BASTARD! " Rosita trying to pull Abraham back with no avail, Rick growling as he drew his pistol, putting the gun to the back of Abrahams head "Leave. Him. Alone.." he said through gritted teeth.

Well that was not smart of Rick to do, Abraham let Eugene go, but then spun around clobbering Rick in the jaw "WHY SHOULD HE GET TO LIVE NOW!? "

Rick had stumbled back from the force of Abrahams blow, holding his jaw now "Because we have /all/ done something wrong!!" Rick shouted at Abraham, knowing what Abraham had done before to the men who raped his wife and child.

That got Abraham to shut up and calm down, he stalked off away from the others. Rosita quickly following him.

Rick gave Eugene a saddened look before walking off, rubbing his jaw.

He sat alone now on a tree stump, about thirty feet from the road, still rubbing his jaw when he heard footsteps coming towards him. Snapping his head up he saw Andrea making her way towards him

"Hey you okay? " she asked softly but her voice was a mixture of worry and anger.

"Yeah.. Yeah.. I'm fine.. " he sighed rubbing his aching jaw now

Andrea perched herself on the stump beside him, setting her rifle down with a sigh "Rick what do we do now? Washington was... was the plan!" she said it in a flustered rush

"I don't know... Well not now I don't. " Rick sighed feeling useless that he didn't have a plan yet. He was the leader for god's sake, these people depended on him for everything.

Andrea turned her head to look at him, her blue hues full of determination "Dale died... We can't just sit with our thumbs up our asses now.. We're gonna do /something/."

Rick nodded slowly, unable to look away from her "We will... I promise.. But for now we gotta talk things out.. " he sighed running his hand through his hair now.

Andrea continued looking at him "Rick... I.. Don't.. Know what to do... God I miss him so much... But.. " she chewed on her lip looking away ,how would she admit she was somewhat attracted to him?

"But what?" Rick glanced at her curiously now, wondering what her next words would be.

"Never mind.. " Andrea mumbles waving her hand, then standing up "I better get back... You coming? " she asked, hoping he would walk with her

"Yeah just gimme a few more minutes.. " Rick nodded looking down as she walked off rather quickly, god for one, why did women have to be so complicated, and two, why did he have to be falling for the mourning blonde now? 

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