Chapter four : Well Shit...

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The drive seemed to last forever and a day. Was he sure it was only... Ten miles? He had looked at the map at least fifteen times now. He had thought he knew a good way to get back to his home town. Check on Morgan and maybe see his house one last time. But of course it was the end of all humanity so after detour after detour Rick found himself in the drive way of his old home. The sun was just setting as he arrived.

Looking at his old home with sadness. The paint chipping away all around the porch. Some railings knocked over. Debris all in the yard. But surprisingly the windows were intact. A shock for any house now a days. The grass overgrown all around. A tree leaning towards the house, weathered from past storms.

Exitting his car slowly, Rick walked up to the front door of his old home. Memories flooding back as he methodically reached into his pocket for his keys. Laughing dryly at his simple act. He had done it so many times before it seemed normal now. But nothing was normal anymore.

Walking inside his boots echoed on the cold wooden floor. His heart dropping as he saw all the old family photos hanging on the walls. Lori's face staring back at him with emotionless eyes. He couldn't stand to look at them. He hurried to the kitchen, letting out a soft sigh seeing a small amount of food still left in the cabinets. Guess he had not cleaned it out all those months back. He grabbed himself a can of corn then headed upstairs. To the bedroom. One last night in that bed and he would be okay. No more ghosts. No more guilt.


"Damn you Rick Grimes..." Andrea muttered as she stood watch a few hours the night Rick had left. She hoped that any second now she would see his headlights coming back. He would park his car then either, one: admit it was a suicide mission to go alone and he would stay with them, or two:he would ask her to come with him. But no. He was a stubborn man rick Grimes. No not stubbornness, confidence. Bravery. Who was she kidding. She had loved him for some time now but would not admit it. Dale was still in her mind when she would be alone with her thoughts. But when she was around Rick. Well he made her mind melt into a puddle of hormones and girly giggles.

Feeling a tug at her shirt tail she turned around to see a sleepy eyed Carl looking up at her.. "I'm sleepy Andrea... " he mumbled rubbing at his eyes with his other hand.

"Oh... Okay come on. " without hesitation she took his little hand in hers. Leading him to the tent. He crawling in first ,she following soon. Carl was curling up in Ricks sleeping bag,which caused a pinge of anxiety in Andreas heart. Carl was brave but sometimes his worry shown through the facade. It happened to everyone.

Andrea laid down atop Carls sleeping bag then, she had no intention of sleeping that night at all. Her mind too hyped up and worried over Rick.


Sleep came at him like a falcon punch from disgruntled soldier. He was out withing minutes of his head resting on his pillow. Thankfully no dreams came. A simple, dreamless, peaceful sleep. Something he had not enjoyed in a long time now.

Awaking to the sound of a bird chirping just outside the window, rick would have sworn he smelled burnt pancakes from downstairs. A traditional thing Lori adopted on Sunday's. Rick smiled at the old memory, sitting up he saw the sun was beginning to rise. Almost an entire nights sleep.

"Thanks Lori.. " he mutters softly looking to their wedding pictures on the wall.

He got up and began gathering some old clothes for himself. As well as what ammunition he had hidden. Then packing some of Carls clothes then his belongings. Before he headed out of the house for the last time he looked up thoughtfully

"Lori... Take care of Judith... And I'll promise to keep Carl safe... Goodbye.."

And with those soft words Rick left his home the very last time. Speeding off down the road towards where he remembered Morgan had been.


"Shit.. " Andrea mumbles as she began waking up as the sun was rising. She didn't want to fall asleep. If she was asleep she couldn't protect Carl. But as soon as she saw him curled up close to her, peacefully still sleeping she calmed down. Guess every night was not supposed to be an all-nighter. Reaching out she stroked some hair from his face. He looked a lot like Rick now and that even hurt her heart more. She was not stupid,she felt Carl drawing closer to her. Seeking the motherly affection and protection he needed.

Heck she had never thought of being a mother before... But now... Carl Grimes seemed as good of a kid as any to start with.


The hours passed slowly. Finding Morgan  had been easy. But the reunion was far from it. Witnessing the broken man broke Rick's spirit. Hearing Morgan describe how his son had been bitten right in front of him... It filled Rick with anger and sadness.. What kind of father was he?  He had just left his own son..

It took some convincing but after another hour rick was in the Car with Morgan, speeding back up the highway to the camp.

She saw the car approaching first. She had been standing on top of an overturned tanker with the pair of binoculars looking around. Counting the hours in her head. Waiting for Rick.

As soon as she saw the car her heart practically stopped. It had to be him. He said a few days but he always came back. Always..

Climbing down quickly, almost jumping down as she saw the car park and the familiar brown shaggy hair man get out.

"Rick!...Carl he's back!! "

Andrea shouted happily as she ran over to him, her rifle bouncing against her shoulder.

Fuck the feelings, fuck hiding it.

She ran straight at him, wrapping her slender arms around his larger frame. Feeling his warmth, his heart beat comforted her even more. Tilting her head up some she smiled softly seeing his well rested eyes. Without any thought or contemplating she stood on her tiptoes, planting a tender kiss on his lips.


Rick couldn't help but chuckle when he saw the flash of blonde hair running at him. Her force knocking him back some but he returned the embrace nonetheless. It felt good to have her in his arms. Despite not showering, she still smelt nice.

Once he saw her smile, he couldn't help but smile too. Feeling her weight shift when she went up on her tiptoes didn't surprise him. It was the kiss that did..

He had dreamt about it a while now..he wanted to kiss her but.. This would do.

He didn't care that most likely everyone would see. He pressed his lips to hers in return of the tender meaningful kiss.

He felt her freeze for a moment but held the kiss for a few more seconds before she pulled back first.

"That's... For coming back... In one piece.. "

Andrea said with a slightly flustered tone, her cheeks bright red from the kiss. Making her freckles even more cute.

"Well... I... Thank you... " Rick said teasingly.

Andrea just rolled her eyes and pulled back out of his arms,just in time as Carl ran over. Practically leaping into Ricks arms.

Rick watched Andrea from the corner of his eye. Damn. She did have one hell of a backbone.


"What. The. Fuck. Did. I. Just. Do? "

Andrea thought to herself as she watched Carl and Rick. Her hand had tightened up around her rifle strap.

She had never been the more.. Forward one when it came to relationships... But Rick... It just... Felt right.. Like she needed to do that now or she might not ever get the chance. Her lips still tingled as she walked away smiling like an idiot.

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