Chapter One: Consoling

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Rick stood outside the small Sunday school room at the back of Father Gabriels church, Andrea had been in the room with Dale ever since they brought him back. Dale was barely clinging on, his left leg missing as well as the infection already spreading through his frail, old body. The fever had set in as soon as they got him safely there. It seemed he had clung to life to see Andrea one last time. Rick felt partially responsible, just something with being the defacto leader of their group. His gaze down as he waited for Andrea, he knew sooner or later she would have to end it for Dale.. And he would be there for her. He jumped slightly as he heard the soft pop of a shot from behind the door, followed by a faint, but pained "I'm so sorry... "

He then took a step back as the door swung open slowly, Andrea stood there with her head hung down. The tears dripping off her freckled cheeks onto the wooden floor. Rick slowly wrapped his arm around her small frame "Andrea.. I... Im sorry.. " he said softly, feeling utter remorse too, granted he and Dale had their differences but he was a good man, treated Andrea right and was like a father to everyone in the group.

He wasn't shocked when Andrea didn't embrace him back, she just clutching Dales tan hat in her hands, her fingers clenched up in the fabric of it,not saying anything to Rick. Just staring down at the floor with lost,sunken in eyes. He sighed seeing her state, he wanted to just hold her and comfort her, but he knew what it was like to lose someone you had loved. Someone you would have died for.

Clearing his throat he looked to the room "Glenn and I will go dig a grave okay? " that got a soft nod from her, she then walking away from him slowly, going out to the man chapel area of the church. Taking a seat on the front pew. Rick looked away feeling the sadness well up in him, he silently shut the door, no one else needed to see Dale's body that way. He then turned and went to Glenn "Come on. " was all he said and Glenn understood, giving Maggie's hand a squeeze before following Rick outside to the graveyard area behind the church. Rick grabbed one of the shovels from the small tool shed nearby then went to a single spot, and began digging. Glenn silently working beside him. It taking several hours for them to get it dug, by then they were both exhausted but Rick was not done, he was going to do this for Andrea. Going inside he, with the help of a somber Andrea, wrapped Dales body in the soiled sheets. They carrying him outside in silence. Rick carrying his feet while Andrea was at his head.

She seemed much more broken than when she lost Amy towards the beginning. Rick helped her lower him into the hole, he climbing out first then holding his hand out to help her out. She muttering a weak "Thanks.. " before sitting down beside the hole. Staring down into it, Rick sighed as he picked up the shovel and began shoveling the dirt back on. Alone. The sweat building on his brow, causing his shirt to cling to his chest. His jaw clenched the entire time, his shoulders were aching something fierce but he owed this to Andrea.

After half an hour the rest of the group came outside for the small service. Rick stood to the right of Andrea, and Father Gabriel was on her left. He holding the black Bible in his hands. Looking to Andrea with a solem expression "I do not know if Dale was...saved... But I do know he was a good man... And he will be very much missed... I hope and pray he finds peace beyond this earthly world.. " he proceeded to flip to a page in his Bible "In Mathew chapter five, verse four Jesus said Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted..." he turned his head upwards "..Father Lord God in heaven, I ask that you forgive this man of all his sins and wrong doings, and accept him into your holy arms, let him finally be at rest from this wretched world. Amen. " he then nodded his head before turning back to go inside, everyone else from the group giving silent nods to the grave.

After everyone had left,except for Rick and Andrea, she fell to her knees beside the grave, her hands clenched in the freshly dug dirt, Rick instantly knelt beside her "Andrea... I just want to say... I wish I could have stopped them in time.. Maybe.. Maybe he would still be alive.. " he went on but she stopped him, looking at him with soft eyes "He always called you a stubborn ass. " Rick looked at Andrea seriously for a moment, she the same way until they both chuckled dryly for a second "He did? "

"Yeah, especially at the prison, said it was because you were a cop. "

Rick shrugged then sighs "He was right.. I am a stubborn ass.. " he turned his gaze back to her now

"You are, but you're nice too.." he just nods then pulls her into a tight hug, she returning the embrace this time

"Andrea... " he sighs unable to say anymore words, hoping his embrace would let her now he was there for her now. In response she just nodded once "Rick.. " she said weakly, the pain still evident in her voice. But it gave Rick a sense of hope that she would be okay. Maybe not today or tomorrow but she would be okay eventually.

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