Chapter three: The Road Less Traveled

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   After remaining by himself for a few more minutes, Rick finally stood up, then headed back to the rest of the group waiting for some sort of direction. He glanced at Eugene who was sitting on the tailgate of a truck rubbing his now bruising face, he felt a small pinge of pity but it quickly faded remembering he had risked his life as well for the liar.

    Moving to stand in front of everyone Rick cleared his throat before speaking, his voice loud and bold, that of a true leader.

"I know we were all hoping for Washington to be the end of it.. But we don't know what's waiting there, hell it could just be as bad as Atlanta was.. " he paused seeing some faces turn grave at the mention of it, "....or it could be the sanctuary we all need, somewhere we can rest, regroup, /survive/..."

he sighs glancing at Andrea, her opinion mattered the most now, her bright blue eyed shown in admiration of his speech so far, she giving him a quick nod of the head

"....we are already halfway there, I say we go all the way, there's a chance we gotta take... Life's all about that now.. " With that he glanced to Abraham who had remained silent the entire time, he finally nodded after a few more silent seconds

"Let's go...we've come this far.. It's worth a few tanks of gas now I guess.. "

Rick nodded with a small smile creeping on his lips. All they needed was a destination, something to look forward to.. something on the horizon for them to yearn for.

Rick moved away from the group after his speech, leaning against a gaurd rail on the side of the road he stared out at the never ending interstate. Glancing at a few signs to try and determine where exactly they were now. A tap on his shoulder jolting him from his deep thoughts as he turned some to see Andrea there. His heart sunk some as he saw she was wearing Dales hat, but he couldn't judge... He still wore his damn wedding ring.. Must be their own ways of coping then.

"What's up? " Rick asked non chalantly

"That was good Rick, I...'re right.. We gotta have /something/ to look forward to you know..not just running around eating expired oatmeal and wiping our asses with leaves.. " Andrea huffed softly, adjusting her rifle over her shoulder.

Rick couldn't help but chuckle lightly

"I don't know about you, but I haven't had to use leaves yet Andrea. I think we're okay on that for now.. " he grinned lightly

She just rolled her eyes, a small smile forming on her lips as she playfully slugged his left shoulder

"Oh shut up Grimes, you know what I mean here."

"Yeah.. Yeah.. I do Harrison.. " he chuckled, smiling when she laughed lightly at their banter for now. It was good to see her laugh now, despite the terrible loss she was still dealing with. He remembered how she was so consoling when the group had reunited and he was dealing with the loss of Lori and Judith.

Now looking at a map from the glove compartment of the truck, rick sighed seeing how close they were.

"Abraham, come here a second.. " Rick called out his eyes glued to the map in thought.

"Mhm?" Abraham came over hugging his rifle to his chest.

"A man, that helped me in the beginning of all this..his town isn't that far away now.. Maybe a day, two tops.. " he looks to Abraham "...he helped me find my family, I feel obligated to go see how he is... "

Abraham nodded slowly "And you want me to go with you? " he questioned

Rick quickly shook his head "No... You stay here.. Keep order... I'll go... Alone.. I'll get back faster that way.."

After arguing with Abraham first for several minutes, he finally went to Andrea, taking her elbow gently, leading her away from carl

"Andrea, keep an eye on Carl please...I've gotta go for a day or two maybe... Check on an old friend.. I owe him that much.. "

Andreas eyes widened in surprise then worry ,

"Rick Grimes you are not saying you're going out /alone/!?"

Rick sighed nodding a few times "I'll get back quicker, besides... He might not take kindly to people he doesn't know... I'll be fine Andrea Geez.. I know how to handle myself. "

Andean huffs shaking her head, clearly against this "But how will you reload python?  What if you get surrounded?.. What if-.. "

Rick sighed cutting her off by putting his hand over her mouth

"Andrea Harisson, I will be fine. Im Rick Grimes ." he said with a sly smirk

Andrea huffed yet again smacking his hand away lightly "Fine... But you're telling your son that you're leaving.. "

Rick nodded as he sighed walking away from her to Carl now. Taking him aside then kneeling to his height.

"Son I'm gonna go for a day or two, Andrea will take care of you and keep you safe..okay... I've gotta go check on Morgan, he's the man that helped me find you.. "

Carl immediately began to cry, his bottom lip quivering as the tears rolled down his face "But dad! "

Rick shook his head in protest "I'm still a cop, you know that.. And that means I gotta help where I can... He helped me so I have to help him okay.. Son you know I'll be okay... And I will be back.."

With that he pulled Carl into a tight hug, kissing the side of his head once "I'll see you in a few days okay ,mind Andrea now."

By then Andrea had walked over,her motherly instinct kicking in as she picked Carl up into a tight hug. Rick gave them a small smile, seeing Andrea with Carl like that gave him a sense of hope and belonging now.

Waving at them as he got into a small car they had found for him, he then drove off into the unknown. The idea of Andrea being Carls mother now was going to be the thing that made him extra careful on this trip now.

He cursed out loud when he started driving with one hand ,chuckling at himself "Guess I should have brought Abraham then. "

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