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The Dupain-Cheng family couldn't be happier. They were celebrating their firstborn son's birthday. They were at The Louvre. Matthan had a strong like for history even at a young age. The first time Matthan realized his interest in history was when his mother pulled out an old Chinese painting that had been passed down through the family.

He was only three at the time, but would constantly ask to see the painting. He could be found in his room studying the painting and trying to copy it. When he found out that history didn't just cover Chinese culture he wanted to see more. So, on his fifth birthday, his parents surprised him with a trip to The Louvre Museum. 

Even though Marinette was more into fashion she was more than happy to spend time with her brother even if she would have preferred a different location over The Louvre. She had been told ahead of time and it was difficult for her to contain the secret. It was worth it though to see how happy it made her brother.

"How is the surprise? Mama and Papa couldn't wait to bring you here," Marinette said, to her brother with a big smile on her face. 

"You knew, sis? Why didn't you tell me?" Matthan asked a little upset.

"Then it wouldn't have been a surprising silly," Marinette said, giggling at her brother's actions.

"Okay, you got me there. Well, I'm excited. I can't wait to see what the Mona Lisa looks like in person. Plus all the pieces of art I don't even know about," Matthan started talking about several pieces of art he was excited to see. While Marinette stayed quiet and listened to her brother like how he did when she talked about fashion.

They may not have the same tastes, but they were the only two who got each other and had time to listen to each other problems. Their parents were often too busy with maintaining the Bakery. While they used their time more for hobbies. They had friends at school, but they wanted to spend more time with each other more.

"Your father and I are going to go get snacks. Don't go too far. I'm sure you want to get a headstart on the museum," Sabine told her children in which they nodded happily. As soon as they got the go-ahead they had runoff. 

In their excitement, they had run into some people who were taking a picture of some art. Dropping their phone which was rapidly falling to the ground. Matthan grabbed it from the air being used to saving Marinette from falling or dropping her things.

Handing the phone back to its owner. Who was relieved but also angry at the two siblings.

"You shouldn't be running in a public place. You could hurt yourself or others," the older gentleman scolded.

"Sorry, sir. We won't run anymore." Marinette and Matthan said at the same time.

In which they quickly got away from the ordeal. Not running.

The two children could be seen admiring the sculptures and paintings. Matthan getting lost in some of the sculptures wondering the detail put into them. One sculpture being the most interesting for him. 

"Winged Victory of Samothrace. I wonder where the sculptor got the idea to make a winged statue with no head or arms," Matthan said to Marinette who grew curious at her brother's statement.

A representative of The Louvre came up at his question. 

"The statue represents Winged Victory. Based on the Greek goddess Nike. It doesn't have a head or arms because it was found in old ruins in several pieces. This was all that could be found," the two children's listened to The Louvre representative.

"So, did Nike have anything in her hands? Did she wear a crown or anything?" Matthan asked curiously.

"Those are questions that have yet to be answered. It is at times like this that the mysteries and theories are what drive us, archeologists, to continue searching for answers." the representative answered. "Actually, what is your name kid. Mine is Jean-François Jarrige. Just call me Jean."

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