Kwami Origins

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"Plagg, tell me what happened today? What was that... thing? How does he know about the Kwami's? Why do you fear him?"

Plagg said nothing as he slowly took a bite out of camenbert. Almost using it as a way to calm his nerves.

Adrien silently watched his kwami growing frustrated at the silence between them. Normally, he'd be fine with the secrecy. Knowing that Plagg did everything for a reason. Even if the Kwami irritated him at times.

This was different, though. Plagg secrets almost hurt the one he loved. Ladybug was forced to protect him and was utterly hopeless on her own. Until as if pittying them no him, the demon allowed him to move.


Adrien never yelled at his kwami, but this was different. This was a life or death situation. He needed to know what was going on. Maybe he could prevent it.

Plagg looked at his holder in mild surprised. Adrien was always good at containing his emotions. Well, with his father always pressuring him to maintain a flawless appearance. He had to contain his emotions. Watch what he said. What he did.

Plagg always felt anger for what his kitten had to go through.

This was different, though. Plagg knew a little more about this situation than his holder did. Knew that due to their connection, he would be more prone to anger. More prone to lashing out. This would be a hard time for Adrien.

"Adrien, I think it's time you learn about the origins of the Kwamis... my origins."

"Your origins? What do you mean I thought you came into existence when certain concepts came to exist? Like Tiki was born when everything was created and you when something was destroyed."

"That was a lie."

"Then what is the truth? Why keep the truth concealed?"

"Kwamis were born between the union of two beings. A demon king and an arch-angel."

Adrien laughed, thinking plag was messing with him.

"Come on, Plagg, Demons and angels. You have to be messing with me."

"Adrien. This is not a joke. Shut up and listen."

Shutting his mouth, Adrien no longer was laughing as he saw the glare his Kwami gave him.

"Concepts always existed. Yet only a few dozen could control them. However, only a few embodied them. My parents embodied the concepts of creation and destruction."

"I don't understand how can you and Tiki be the embodiments of creation and destruction if they were already taken?"

"Kid, us Kwami didn't choose our powers. Some of them got lucky. They got control of concepts that weren't taken. Tiki and I didn't."

"So, what does that mean? Your father and you share a concept? Wouldn’t that cause a conflict?"

Plagg laughed at his holders intuition.

"Quite perspective. Think of the power of destruction like a stream. My father, having existed before me, has been swimming up this stream to its source. When I was born, this stream split. I was forced to inhabit this small little stream."

"Do we have a chance to stop him? If he has taken control of the original stream, do we even have the power to stop him?"

"No, we can't. My father is too powerful."


"Yes, Adrein?"

"Why does your father hate you so much?"

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