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Marinette was disappointed when she had woken up early in hopes of speaking to her brother. Which she never did. Her parents were shocked to see her and noticed she kept looking toward her brother's room.

They both smiled at each other as they continued their morning routine. They were glad that their daughter was trying to rekindle a relationship with their son.

A part of them were hoping that she would get him to open up. Another part didn't want to know what their child went through. However, they knew it wasn't good for him to keep his pain to himself.

She tried to come up with a new design in her sketch book as the class started filling up. It was different being one of the first to show up. Even if she got it, it looks like she was an alien.

She was just glad no one was asking her questions. They must have seen the news or even the Ladyblog. Keeping her brother a secret was probably making them all curious.

As Alya slid into the seat next to her, noticing that Alya put a hand on her thigh to stop her from thumping. She couldn't help it she was anxious.

"Calm down, girl. You are making even me anxious, and I go into Akuma fights."

Laughing nervously, she closed her book and placed it in her bag with Tiki.

"Sorry, I'm just worried. Matthan hasn't left his room since you've left. I'm wondering if we said something wrong. I just want to help him somehow, but it's difficult. When he pushed us away as soon as we asked what happened to him," she couldn't help herself from rambling. The thoughts in her head were giving her a migraine, so it was nice to talk about and get it off her chest.

She felt the stares and knew her class was listening... well, those that were here. Alya hummed to herself as she thought what to say. Right before she thought about saying something, Rose hopped into the conversation.

"Why don't you invite him to the boat after school? We all want to meet him, and it may help him open up." Rose said as Juelka mumbled an agreement shyly.

"Are you sure? It won't be too many people. We all know how Juelka's mother sometimes gets with guests." Marinette said, glancing at Juelka.

She mumbled something that Marinette didn't pick up, so her eyes drifted to Rose.

"She said, 'It's fine. We were going to have a Kitty Section gathering anyway. One more person isn't going to hurt.' So, what do you say?"  Rose answered, getting a smile from Juelka as Marinette couldn't help smiling at the interaction.

"Okay, I can't promise anything, but I'll ask him. I'll send a message to my mom to see if she can ask." Typing the message on her phone quickly, she sent it before getting up from her seat.

"Thank you, girls. I couldn't ask for better friends."

Rose jumped to give her a hug while Juelka shook her head with a smile.

As they went back to their seats, she grabbed her bag before leaving the classroom. She wanted to talk to Tiki before class. See if she had any advice.

Entering the bathroom, she checked the stalls to make sure it was empty before allowing Tiki to come out.

"Am I doing this right? I know he went through something in that facility, but is it right for me to try and push him to open up? I don't want to hurt him more."

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